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I added files to private Mega folders.

Raw animations private folder:



70; 71; 72; 73; 74; 75; 76; 77



I really really like these!!!


Thank you so much!!! I haven't had time to go through them each yet, but WOW!!! I'm assuming you're OK with us using a plugin like "Mocapswitcher" to save the motions and apply to model scenes we like? I'm still very low on the learning curve, and assume that's the best way to use them?


I'm not sure if you have raw animations for these types of movement yet (maybe already included in the first 77? ...and I just haven't seen yet?), but I would really appreciate raw caps of things like 1) jiggling your boobs for the camera, 2) twisting and pressing your boobs together, 3) slapping/pinching nips, 4) slapping your butt, 5) spreading your cheeks, etc ...I know there are limits in VAM, but one can hope for ever-increasing usability, especially with version 2 being developed.


Now that I've had a chance to look through them all... My fav is #74, with #72 a close second and #73 a close third. #64 is also really nice, with #32, #38, #51, and #52 rounding out my honorable mentions list. Thank you thank you thank you!!!