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hey everyone! I got quite sick this week so I didn't get to finish and post certain projects on schedule, but I'm aiming to release most of them today! 


-nsfw extended version of the getting frisky in a public pool changing room 

- tiger tier exclusive

-leopard tier exclusive

Also! I got some super dope new microphones to record with and my setup is now pretty much as professional as it could be ^^ I'll show them a bit later today as well

I would also like to apologize to everyone sending me private messages for not responding earlier  

love ya



sounds exciting~ hope u feel better! 🧡


Hope you get better soon kodah <3

daniel dilworth

That’s great, but don’t push yourself too hard. Get well soon boo.


Oh my gosh dear,don’t worry and just take care of yourself 😱❤️


Oh noes! Don't worry about it, your health comes first. We'll be here cheering you on from the sidelines.


Take care of yourself first😊


Get well soon - and by that I mean get the rest you really need.