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Hiya! :3

You may have noticed that I recently uploaded a lot of audios where the characters have an accent! (Tiger boy, Exchange student, thunder buddies, ..) I leaned into my accent a bit more after the huge success of the exchange student audio. When I use more of an accent in my speech, even tho sometimes a little exaggerated, it makes me feel way more relaxed. You can actually hear how I'm a lot calmer in those audios! It's because it allows me to let my guard down. When I don't need to focus super hard about perfect pronunciation, I'm more myself! Talking goes easier and I enjoy recording more! So I wanted to say thank you to everyone leaving such nice comments about the accent! It makes me feel more confident! Not all my audios will have the accent of course, but I'll definetly lean into it more from now on! ๐Ÿ˜Š

 Love you all <3



Personally I think accents are cool! Lean into it whenever u feel like it! I don't know if I have one due to the languages I know, it's probably more of a speech impediment tbh with how often I mash up and forget words LOL


I love you accent and strongly encourage to try any accent you feel like. It adds more of your personality into your work and I love listening even more when I can feel how much fun you have yourself.