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Man, where is my comic?

I was working on my comics story-lines, when I spotted some huge mistakes on how Young Love script initially written.

It forced me to re-do almost the whole thing, and re-do the render from scratch. This is mainly why there is delay on comic delivery, which snowballs to other things.

Apart from that, Young Love 6 is still on progress, and I estimated it will be done early next month, in full. That means no more content drips, just the actual thing.

Man, where is my image sets?

With the setbacks mentioned above, I have to delay all of other works, including image sets. Image sets will be resumed next month.

Man, where is my commissions?

Again, I know that you are disappointed, but it hurts me too. Especially when I'm late on delivering commissions already. I will addressed this problem later in this post.

What? So nothing this month?

I'm afraid so.

I could release some WIPs of the currently-rendering Young Love series, but it will ruin the whole comic even before it released. So I'm holding my breath here.

You have the full rights to be mad.

I don't want to release anything half-baked, just for the sake of it. I started this as a hobby, and I still want the qualities intact, or even improved. And I'm sure you too.

Meh, excuses! How can you be so sure we will not have any setbacks next month?

With the story-lines fixed, things got easier on my end. And to support the efficiency, I will end commissions tier next month.

What? Why?! You haven't delivered mine!

Okay, calm down. I know.

But all the records of your processed rewards is there to see, and I will finish any unfinished commissions in the upcoming months. You will not lose any commission. It's just that.. I'm already late on it, and I want to finish it and stop worrying about it.

I'm grateful to all the commissioner, as your support so far have made my progression possible.

I'm going to lose a big chunk of my income by ending it, but I think it's for the best.

But, sadly, the process isn't quite straightforward. Here's how..

I suggest to all commissioner to edit their pledge, if you read this. This will not affects your commissions, as I have notes of your rewards.

If you still want to support me (I really hope you do), you can pledge again on lovers, fanatics or warriors tier. No extra charge, and next month, you will be automatically adjusted.


If you do not change your pledge, however, or you read this post late, your will be designated as No Reward tier next month and still charged the same amount. To fix that, you need to consult me for refunds. I'm always here on messages and Discord server.

So, to sum it up:

  • Massive story shake-up forced me to restart Young Love 6. All other rewards are delayed because of that.
  • No more commission tiers starting next month, will it be Commanders or Emperors. You need to edit your pledge now to avoid complications.


With all that being said, I'm on Discord if you want to vent about your disappointment. I'm always grateful for all of your support so far, because without you, this realm of fantasy wouldn't be possible to do.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you, and I'm sorry.




Thanks for the update. Personally I prefer to wait than have something poor released. Keep going strong


This is new version of Safya in the picture ?

Crispy Cheese

It's fine for me. Creating contents sometimes could be troublesome especially in a story. The more character the more branches you need to add in the storyline and so on. Yeah well I've experience it myself with my comic story haha! Anyway keep up the good work! quality over quantity my man! and last but not least you have my support! cheers!


So beautiful like always and with Bondage is very good too see her like that^^