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Hey team! The past few months have gone from "wack" to "oh god why", but we want to take this opportunity to give you an update on the channel, and to let you know what's coming from OSP in the next few months.

First let's take quick recap of our Spring, and, to peel back the curtain a little bit: the height of the Covid-Crash in April saw video revenue fall off a cliff, despite the drastic increase in watch-time as a result of people staying inside. We're so honored to be able to provide you all with content that not only educates, but entertains, and can even provide comfort. We're extremely grateful to you, our Patrons, for keeping us going through the past few months of uncertainty. While we always encourage our Patrons to take care of their own financial needs first, the support of those of you who do choose to contribute truly means the world. No matter what weirdness goes on with YouTube monetization, this community of just over 1,700 Patrons — only 0.13% of our YouTube audience — keeps this whole OSP thing going, and we don't intend to miss a beat.

Outside of our normal Friday uploads (which, by the way, we got multiple videos on Trending in the past several weeks!), we've been streaming various videogames in support of Feeding America, the NAACP, the ACLU, and BET's Covid-19 Relief program. In total, we've raised well over $15,000 between our own donations and the generous support of you beautiful champions. Meanwhile, Red's webcomic Aurora marches on, having recently finished Chapter 7! Finally, we had been planning to be at VidCon this past weekend, but, well, no VidCon. Next year for sure, we'll be there.

So while we continue to work through the Everything going on, here's what's coming for summer:
  — More of What You Know and Love! Red's got the myth of Orion, a rundown on the Irish Book Of Invasions, and a Deep-Dive on everyone's favorite trickster Loki. There's also Trope Talks on Dragons and Immortals, History-Makers on Ibn Khaldun and Thucydides, Histories of The Viking Age and a special on Hawaii for Indigenous People's Day, and coming early August, a monstrous History Of The Modern World from the end of WWII to the year 2000 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. I... I'm not entirely sure how I'm gonna swing that one, but we'll make it work!
  — Sweet New Merch! Starting with Orion, we'll be launching a myth-relevant Enamel Pin about once per season. We're partnering with Crowdmade, and starting our run with a pair of Artemis & Apollo Pins on July 10. We'll tell you more when the time comes. If this first set goes over well, you bet we'll be doing heaps more in the future.

In Addition To That, we're planning for another round of Summer Stupidity, after the rousing success we had last year with City Reviews and Media Reviews. Of course, even small videos take valuable time away from working on mainline videos, so before we get too far into planning, we'd love to hear what you want us to do.

We've added a poll with various choices. Vote for any and all options you'd like, and leave a comment if you have a suggestion for 2020's Summer Stupidity.

Thank you all for your continued support of our educational content. Please be safe this summer, practice social distancing, and don't be afraid to ask for help from your friends and family if you need it. Times are wack, and there's never been less of a barrier to open an honest conversation.




Di-Vine needs to make a comeback.


Awesome! I'm so beyond excited for the deep dive on Loki -- the Dionysus video was my introduction to the channel, so I'm always excited when deep dive vids come out


Given the current circumstances, I feel a celebration of the smaller wonders of the world is in order, in the form of Room Reviews! What city can boast comparable magnificence to a good kitchen?


Di-Vine is necessary for all our sanity.


Di-Vine vidoes. Loved them


This all sounds fantastic! Literally the only videos you've made that I don't much care for are the Di-Vine, but in large part that's because they go by so fast that I can't read who the characters are before the vine starts and I don't get the joke (and the static sound between is hard on my ears), but that's all adjustable if it's not too hard?

Bill Lemmond

Just have fun. I know you've both come to expect summer to be more relaxing. And if you two are having a good time, so will we.


The read-alouds were magic! Red reactions are the best! (Not sure if the views on those are high enough to help keep y'all going, though...)

hannah barboza vianna bekierman

I want a game play of legend of Zelda breath of the wild. But not sure where it fits with the summer thing. Just thought I would put it out there

Theresa Cadeau

I know the last reading aloud livestream was really chaotic with it stopping constantly, but I’ve really loved all of them so far. The Guards! Guards! readings hold a special place as I love Terry Pratchett, though I understand the reasons for not continuing that. But they’ve been helpful while stuck inside and stressing. I’d love to hear more, provided it’s not stressful for you. But honestly, just do whatever makes you all happy because it’s all been entertaining and educational thus far.

Nina Rose

I adore the city and media reviews! Though I know travel may not happen so much this year. I also really enjoyed the live-streams. Both the games and Red’s reading streams. Y’all have been a balm to my soul in the middle of this incident. Thank you for all you do!

Anthony Wilson

If you do more media reviews, I suggest a game called Asura's Wrath. Aside from it having some *great* performances from Liam O'Brien (who voices the titular Asura), particularly later on once the plot gets going, the Hindu/Buddhist-inspired science-fantasy aesthetic is amazing. And you don't actually have to play it - they made it so much like an interactive anime that you're actually better off just finding a good-quality let's play of it without commentary. (Also I will never stop being able to connect it to Critical Role campaign 2 thanks to Liam being in it and one of the other characters in it - Asura's rival - is named Yasha. Although this Yasha is a bloke and not played by Ashley Johnson. :P )


Dude I am so down for more Stupidity, but maybe with animated stream highlights? Like the Shadow of the Colossus one?


I reckon that Halloween is still a way's away and is still Red's prerogative. However, might I suggest some excerpts from Rudyard Kipling's Tales of Horror and Fantasy? The only catch is that some of them are a little more dated than 'Hates Progress' Lovecraft.

Denise D

Gotta love Summer Stupidity! Just go for it - and I'd love to see something YOU GUYS have always wanted to do, but never thought it'd go over... Because I'm betting we'd all love it! Happy summer!


Cant wait to see these things from you guys! I'm excites for more summer stupidity as well. Whenever I feel down I just go watch those over and over

Kira Stegner

I really like the Di-Vines. I watch them over and over. Some new ones would be cool. The Di-Vines help pull me out of depression funks.

Hannah Oberhardt

I voted for city reviews but honestly if any of these win I'll be happy :)


The city reviews were hilarious. I showed the Chicago one to a native and he couldn't stop laughing for 5 minutes straight.


I would really love to see something about the Chevalier of Saint-Georges, I just heard about him and think he would challenge Alcibiades in hotness!


Di-Vine deities, Celtic/Arthurian edition?


I'm excited for the next part of the byzantine history series. Also, I'd love more series like one for the journey to the west.


This is controversial, but I’ll put it up for “speak your truth”’s sake: the Chinese history of America (i.e., the history of people of Chinese ancestry as American immigrants and citizens). In three and a half months, I’ve been attacked twice (latest was Saturday night) by people screaming to “take your virus back to China” (I’m not from China). Both times by groups of BIPOC people. It turns out an unspoken facet of American racism lies in how truly people are allowed to claim their “Americanness”, and for whatever reason, the public imagination equates Asian facial features with unbridgeable “otherness”, permanently ”foreign” and always recent immigrants. My ancestry‘s been American since before the Civil War. I understand why you wouldn’t want take on this topic, Blue: your specialty is Classical and Mediterranean, and there could be backlash. But I’ll put it up because the channel’s mission is to be educational and there’s a ton of widely-accepted assumptions about this topic. (Thus the attacks.) And given the POTUS’s campaign strategy of selling COVID-19 as “the Chinese disease” and a likely fall resurgence, it will be topical until at least November. EDIT: Thank you for the hearts; knowing that thoughtful people are listening genuinely helps.


How about a Video about the Kalevala


-Blue: History/Geography of poop and sewers (have fun with it) -Red: Poop tropes (have fun with it, OF COURSE)


I would love some reviews of modes of travel, either just ancient or both ancient and modern. Like on foot, on camelback, in horse-driven carriages to steamboats and high-speed rail. Just on foot in different times and locations could also be fun.


woooo! book of invasions. (can we get follow up on the ulster cycle after that? :P)


Maybe a Q&A? We haven't had one of those in a while.


I love summer stupidity, and the city reviews are fabulous. I would also love to see Red dive into more African mythology, particularly if you can find someone appropriate to collab with. Giving a boost to people of color by letting them explain their culture on your platform would be awesome.


Three times now: tonight I walked out of my apartment and someone threw part of the hamburger he was eating at my “Chinee” legs (I dodged). Again, this guy was BIPOC, and I can’t get over what this means - the irony of a person whose country and President treat him as a “lesser” American taking his (rightful) anger out on someone he considers even “lesser”. (Also, obviously, EVERYONE should be able to walk down the street without getting attacked and harassed.) I’ll also say, whenever someone makes a racist comment, the first rush of anger I get is for my father. Because yelling at me for “being” “Asian” says he doesn’t count. It erases him, along with half of my ancestry. He’s written in my face (green-gray eyes, brown hair that gets red and blonde streaks in the summer), but he might as well never have existed. And historically, that matters, because the living myth that people with Asian ancestry will never be “real Americans” because they live in self-isolating enclaves and never learn English needs to go down in flames.


Also a walk through of your video-making process could be interesting.


Pop Culture series or books that aren't worthy of a classic/history summary....but just to get both Red & Blue's comments/critiques /impressions of contemporary mythic/trope arc stories. For me that would be "Firefly" (western genre), "Supernatural" (monsters genre), BBC Sherlock, and Doctor Who (particularly story arc of River Song and 11th Doctor) You may not have ever watched of liked any of these (i think probably too simplistic for your tastes) but i'd enjoy hearing your thoughts on them even so....thanks!


I really love the mythology videos! One about the house of Atreus would be really great. Agammemnon’s family history is really messed up.


I would love to see a media review on the movie Troy. You've mentioned it before and how terrible it is and a full ass take down of it would be so much fun!


They've done that! Vids on Tantalus, Iphigenia and the whole Oresteia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kpGhivh05k


Our whole household gets SO much out of Classics Summarized I can't even tell you. For the Modern Classics series, I've been thinking about how great Daphne Du Maurier's "Rebecca" would be for this format. Or "My Cousin Rachel", which has the virtue of a very recent movie version.


Ooh yes, especially his fencing matches with La Chevalière d'Éon.


I would love to see a bite-sized mythology story about Cassandra of Troy!


I think blue should also do a video on Djinn in islamic theology.