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This video was requested by longtime 100-tier patron Joshua A. Demic!


Modern Classics Summarized: Stranger In A Strange Land

This book is: 10% Mike 20% stars 15% concentrated power of mars 5% water 50% cult and 100% topics that are very adult This video was requested by our longtime patron Joshua A. Demic! Can you use the "product of the times" defense if the book was wildly controversial for its time? Asking for a comment section… Our content is intended for teenage audiences and up. No, seriously. We REALLY MEAN IT. PATREON: https://www.Patreon.com/OSP MERCH LINKS: https://www.redbubble.com/people/OSPYouTube OUR WEBSITE: https://www.OverlySarcasticProductions.com/ Find us on Twitter https://www.Twitter.com/OSPYouTube Find us on Reddit https://www.Reddit.com/r/OSP/ Discord: https://discord.gg/h3AqJPe



That was a GREAT song choice for the end! :D also Heinlein was weird >.>


Wow, in case you forgot some stories are just the author having a power-trip with their worldviews.


*runs channel called "Overly Sarcastic Productions"*; "Sorry for being so sassy" This was pure gold.


Red, thank you for reviewing it, and you have nothing you need apologize for. Your sassy take was exactly what I expected, and this book is weird. This was great.

Earl Tower

Ah Heinlein, I swear the man was a troll of an author who loved creating controversial topics for the fun of it.


I love this video, but I absolutely hate this book. I am not sorry. And Red shouldn't be either; your sassiness is entirely justified.


LOVED the review! I was surprised there wasn’t any mention of Heinlein’s supposed bet with L. Ron Hubbard as to whose made-up science fiction religion would get the most adherents… (And yes, there *is* a “Church of All Worlds” out there.)


I think heinlein is an author who is your crazy uncle that goes on long tangents forget what he’s talking about and then decides to read a porn mag all afternoon thinking he’s a genius

Stephen Hutchison

Hey Chris Hanson -- this wasn't JUST to annoy Elron. It was also to mess with Ted Sturgeon, who committed the Heinleinian sin of being intelligent, a good sci fi writer, and a Mormon all at the same time. Because, like many science fiction nerds even today, the idea that someone can be intelligent and still have a religion is an abomination unto Science or something. Anyway, that's why the Fosterite church has many similarities to Mormonism, and the World Church has some kick-back to how Scientology was designed to work. Also, yeah, Heinlein had a stroke that temporarily knocked out his later memories, and thought the book was utter crap until he recovered.


I respect your review, but this was only one of multitudinous works by R.A.H. I hope you’ll take the time to read https://www.heinleinsociety.org/2013/02/rah-rah-r-a-h-by-spider-robinson/ , a 1980 essay by another science fiction writer, Spider Robinson.