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Legends Summarized: Robin Hood

The man! The myth! The legend! What exactly IS this verdant vigilante's deal? LET'S TALK ABOUT IT Our content is intended for teenage audiences and up. PATREON: https://www.Patreon.com/OSP MERCH LINKS: https://www.redbubble.com/people/OSPYouTube OUR WEBSITE: https://www.OverlySarcasticProductions.com/ Find us on Twitter https://www.Twitter.com/OSPYouTube Find us on Reddit https://www.Reddit.com/r/OSP/



As someone who re-enacts the 12th century most depictions of Robin Hood annoy me greatly,


I had no idea how bad I needed this until now! Robin Hood is literally my favorite literary character 🖤


TIGHT tights~! XD Also, Marian is a badass~


Do you guys upload the songs you sing anywhere? I stopped by here assuming they'd be a patreon reward level. They're so good! <3

Michael Quinn

What bugged me the most was when Latrine claimed that her family changed her name from S--thouse in the 9th century. Why would you change your name from Anglo Saxon to Frankish 200yrs before the Norman invasion?

Bill Lemmond

Red, you are describing simple human selfishness and willful ignorance. In the Soviet Union, party members were a ruling elite that got their own special currency, "certificate rubles," which was the only kind of ruble accepted in the Gum department stores, where all the good consumer goods went, where they stayed in stock. What goes wrong in capitalism is just the same concentration of power, largely in the hands of sociopaths (people who may be happy or angry, but are never sad, so never dragged down by depression). Capitalism isn't just rich people and poor people, any more than socialism is just no private property. We need the part of socialism that's clean water, education for all, vaccinations and other public health measures, and old age pensions. We need the part of capitalism that allows ordinary people to own their own homes, and even their own tiny business. Rich people keeping down poor people is just egos run wild. Those same rich people would be even richer, if everyone could afford what they need, and much of what they want. But some rich people care far more about being richer than, so there are rich people living in walled compounds, in "banana republics," where the contrast between them and all around them is greatest. Rich people keeping other people poor is bad business. And even Standard & Poors, the stock market people, have said, for years, now, that there's too much income inequality in the US, and that it's dragging down our economy. So please target your criticisms more carefully. "The devil is in the details," and if you don't target those details, you throw the baby out with the bath water. And most revolutions are hardest on the most vulnerable people.

Bill Lemmond

But after that opening, I loved everything. As usual, you do wonderful research, and present it in a way that it even stick with my very "special" consciousness. This is wonderful! :D