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I know we're six days into the eight, but better late than never, right?


Holiday Tales: Hanukkah!

By my calculations, we're six days into Hanukkah, so I think we're well overdue for a video on what exactly all the fuss is about! So fire up that griddle and fry up some latkes while I regale you with tales of the miracle/military victory that's the reason for the season! MERCH LINKS: Shirts - https://overlysarcasticproducts.threadless.com/designs All the other stuff - http://www.cafepress.com/OverlySarcasticProducts PATREON: www.patreon.com/user?u=4664797 Find us on Twitter @OSPYouTube!



JEW are my favorite! Bahahahahaha


Regarding Prince of Egypt, by accurate you mean accurate to the biblical source material right? Because I could have sworn I have seen a video that of Blue's that said that the Exodus probably never happened because the mass migration of a population that size would have been recorded by the Egyptians. Also if you're ever short of source material feel free to rip into movies for inaccuracies to their book source material. Like the Hobbit Cartoon of my youth which depicted Golum as a fish monster and made the wood elves pretty god damn monstrous while speaking with German accents.


Same experience with religion, except less family and no chinese food. :)


Red meant accurate to the biblical source material. The historicity of the Bible is a big and interesting topic, and in my ancient Egypt video I meant to show how that history isn't so clear cut – numbers get exaggerated, years get mixed around, and so on. My argument wasn't quite to say that there was no Exodus, because we can't prove a negative so easily, but rather that the version of Exodus as described in the Bible isn't supported by much evidence. Bottom line is Prince of Egypt is great *and* biblically accurate, which is nice given how often Bible stories get completely bastardized. -B


Awesome! thanks for the clarification, Regarding clear cut vs untrue I use similar concepts in assessing data for reliability (e.g. can or can't we use this) or determining when something is truly messed up in audit. Yes there maybe some issues in the data but we have to determine how 'usable' and if it is usable how much can we rely on it. Also if I remember my one time of actually reading the bible the whole way through Exodus contains more than what was covered in the prince of Egypt. Also bought and watched it with my girlfriend recently. The singing is as fantastic as the story telling and art styles. Didn't think I'd like it much when it was first advertised back in 1998.... ahh 1998 back when we were still hyped for the Star Wars Prequels.


Woo! Was waiting for you all to tackle Chanukah. Love the Prince of Egypt movie (esp the songs and the Moses/Ramses relationship), and the Book of Exodus DOES cover a lot more stuff, but it's mostly small stuff that would make the story confusing/clunky for kids (i.e. how "Let my people go out into the wilderness for a festival and we'll brb" turned into "Let my people go free forever.") For an encore, if you ever decide to get into the holiday of Purim (the history of which is the Book of Esther,) consider this: King Ahasuerus, Queen Esther's hubby, is agreed to be the same King Xerxes that went up against the 300 Spartans at the Hot Gates. Soooo yeah- next time you watch 300 and see golden bodypainted rumbly-voiced Xerxes, you know he totally married a hot Jewish woman.