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Ooookkkkk I mostly get what you guys were talking about with this one....I feel like they were trying to change it up and the initial idea was interesting but then it went a little cray cray haha... we can laugh about it now though right? I still like to hangout with the crew! Onto the next one! 

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[Full Reaction] Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)



That whole Federation - Klingon treaty, still a work in progress I'm afraid. And say whatever else about ST5's myriad weaknesses, that camping scene is fuckin' adorable.

Dean Holt

I find this is ok to pop on every so often, yes it definitely has its flaws but both camping scenes are fun to watch. I know we all have our own ranking list but this one isn’t the bottom of it but it’s close to it just in front of Insurrection & The Motion Picture. But one of my favourites is next Christopher Plummer is just a joy to watch.