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Hey everyone!! I hope you all had a wonderful memorial day weekend. That is was spent with those you love but also remembering and honoring the heroes who paid the ultimate price for their country. I saw a quote yesterday that gutted me it said

"The imagination plays a trick. We see these soldiers in our mind as old and wise. We see them as something like the Founding Fathers-grave and gray haired.

But most of them were boys when they died and they gave up two lives - the one they were living and the one they would have lived. When they died, they gave up their chance to be husbands and fathers and grandfathers. They gave up their chance to be revered old men. They gave up everything for our country, for us. And all we can do is remember."

Thank you for teaching me these past two years and sharing your experiences and losses and knowledge with me as I have dove deeper into the history and sacrifice of war.



It was a great week, blasted "Schools out for the summer" every morning for the kiddos but then by the end of day 3 I was like "OK WE NEED A ROUTINE!" so we will see how long the chore chart/daily schedule lasts over here.  

This week we have some really fun ones and I can't wait to watch these with you! I decided I will also do Unbreakable, the runner up from the BW poll, but probably not for a few more weeks! I also decided to do a "Natural Disasters Movie Poll" this week, so tell me what you would love to see on there! Also this month we will have Die Hard 3, Point Break, Father's Day Poll of some of my dad's favorites and another WMW poll!  (and still trying to make a theatre reaction work for Creed and Guardians)

What did you all do for Memorial Day? What is everyone looking forward to this summer? Tell me below!

Love your sun burnt faces!



Björn Von Knorring

The day after tomorrow, Poseidon, The towering inferno, The perfect storm, Contagion

David Collins

OMG Point Break!!!! I've been itching to watch it but saving it in case it got a reaction. I can't wait.

Brian Lowery

For Natural Disasters films, I’d go with Sahara (2005), Volcano, and The Poseidon Adventure.

Zachary K.

I vote for Crawl (2019) a hurricane alligator movie that Quentin Tarantino loved


I'm very happy you decided to watch Unbreakable as well! My advice for that one is go in as blind as possible. You know it has Bruce Willis and thats enough information.

ElmSt Reactions

Well i now know how the fifth element reaction went thanks to someone in the discord telling us what cassie thought about the film. Thanks


I love Overboard!! Can't wait to see your reaction!

Mark Vaderr

This summer I am looking forward to seeing John Williams again, but you already knew that. I wish I could say that I was going to Disneyland, but that doesn't appear to be in the budget this year. Looking forward to BBQ's and a trip to the beach at some point, and of course seeing what new fun summer movie reactions you have. Looking forward to the new polls as well. Take care, Cassie!

Chris Bordeman

I knew you'd go nuts over this one, Cassie. It's my mom's favorite movie, we used to watch it together all the time! ♥