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Hello friends,

I missed you, between being sick and then going on a little trip to the house of the mouse, I really did miss chatting with you!

Disneyland was exhausting but magical, go check out my instagram for some pics and videos @popcorninbed

I can't believe its Thanksgiving tomorrow!! I feel unprepared, even though I am just in charge of corn and rolls haha. I don't even like Turkey that much, I just love a day dedicated to being cozy, surrounded by family and thinking of everything we have to be grateful for.

Ok so first go vote on the "Catch up Poll" here, and tell me what movies you want to see on the Christmas movie poll next week in the comments!

This week we have the movies pictured above (plus The Best Years of Our Lives I owe you from last week) Can't wait for all of these!

I really am beyond thankful for each one of you, every time I see a patreon notification pop up with a comment or message, I really do get a ping of gratefulness in my heart.

Ok if you are not stateside, I still hope you have a day full of family and gratitude this weekend. If you are in the US, may your gravy be a-plenty and your pies anything but pumpkin ;)

Love you all!




Happy Thanksgiving Cassie and Carly!

Björn Von Knorring

Jongle all the way with Arnold Schwazenegger is an anazibg christmas-movie (comedy).