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Hey everyone! Hope you're all having a wonderful Thursday! 

Some of you may already know about this, but for those who don't, our very own patron @planner created this amazing webapp specifically for PiB patrons! 

The main purpose of the app is to allow you guys to add movies/shows that you'd like me to watch. As movies/shows are added, the requests from the community are tallied and a list is created for the most requested movies/shows. This will help guide me on what to watch next, or what to add to the next poll. There are also lots of other cool features on the site, like a library of what I've seen (based off my Letterboxd), a list of all the reactions on the channel so far with all the links you'll ever need, as well as a list of Patreon exclusives and livestreams. 

Thanks for working so hard on this @Planner! It is a work-in-progress, so if you run into any issues please reach out to him! You can also find him in the #popcornrequests channel on discord. The link to the webapp is listed below, you will need to link your Patreon account in order to use it. Go suggest some movies!!!



Steve Holton

Once a user understands the “+” sign use it is a great method on the home page. But an additional menu button, “Add Recommendation” or the like, launching a wizard to step through this process for a new user might eliminate initial confusion and help requests. Balancing different user needs remains challenging in any app. Years ago, my birthday was mistyped in a federal database designed more for quick entry than accuracy. Thereafter I was officially one hundred years older. I know, I know. In my Patreon user photo I don’t look a day over a hundred and thirty. And nowadays a hundred and fifty is the new one hundred and forty. Thanks again for your wonderful work on this very helpful app.


I had a walkthrough video for two of the earlier revisions of the web app, but things changed so much that they became obsolete. I've added being able to request from the Movie Details page now, which seems to be where people intuitively expect it to be, so maybe that will help.

Craig Russell

There are instructions under the WELCOME tab , it's very simple to add single or multiple suggestions.

Steve Holton

Thanks Planner. It is really a great app and your response to help requests is gracious and exemplary. Design can be frustrating and one feels the work is never completed. On his deathbed Michelangelo ordered all his work should be destroyed, since it was the work of an amateur and needed so much improvement.

Michael Threapleton

Great job creating the app. On the latter pages of movie rankings there are slews of movies with 0 requests and 0 scores. How are they ranked relative to each other? Also saw a couple of movies listed with one request each yet one had a score of 0.1 and the other 0.103. Not understanding how that algorithm works. #2755 Pete's Dragon, 1 request, Score 0.103 #2759 Hidalgo, 1 request, Score 0.1


I can’t figure it out. Can’t get the + sign to appear


Click on the "Menu" button in the top left, then click "Link your Patreon Account". Follow the prompts to link your Patreon to the web app. Then the '+' buttons should be in the Request column when you are on the "Home" page (gotten to from the "Menu" button). ... Let me know which part you're up to and I can help further? :)


The Score sort (the default) is by Score, then Year, and finally by Title. Though it should be pretty rare for two things to have the exact same Score if there is even one Advanced Mode user requesting the title. Score is halved for titles that are in Cassie's "seen" list, and zeroed out for movies that the she already has a reaction to. There are two "modes" that you can be in in the web app: Simple Mode (the default) where when you request something (by clicking the '+' button) it is just added to your requests and contributes a score of 0.5. Advanced Mode (which you can turn on/off from the "My Requests" page) where when you request something you have to go to the "My Requests" page, then add the title to your list of requests in the order you'd most like it reacted to, then click the "Submit to Server" button (your request isn't added to the web app fully until you've submitted it). This allows you to prioritise your requests as you like. The way Advanced Mode works is that your top request contributes a Score of 0.9 to its score, but it takes the "extra" 0.4 from your bottom request (which only contributes a Score of 0.1 to its score). Second from the top takes from the second from the bottom, and so on. So, for Hidalgo it looks like that only has one requester, using Advanced Mode, and that is the very bottom request from their list. Pete's Dragon is very similar except it's a few up from the bottom of the list from that requester, who is also using Advanced Mode. If you click on the title (or cover in cover view) it will pull up the details for the title, which includes the people that have requested it and the score that they're contributing. You can then click on the user and verify for yourself that the movies are at the bottom of their lists :)

Michael Threapleton

Great explanation, thank you. What I was missing was second from the top takes from the second from the bottom.


I clicked on the link it takes me to a screen that says “added user: Deth” that’s it

Beau Mont

To those who find the "Planners" explanation a little too convoluted, maybe this will clear it up:The original machine has a base-plate of prefabulated amulite, surmounted by a malleable logarithmic casing in such a way that the two spurving bearings were in a direct line with the pentametric fan. The latter consisted simply of six hydrocoptic marzelvanes, so fitted to the ambifacient lunar waneshaft that side fumbling was effectively prevented. The main winding was of the normal lotus-o-delta type placed in panendermic semiboloid slots in the stator, every seventh conductor being connected by a non-reversible tremie pipe to the differential girdlespring on the "up" end of the grammeters.


... That looks like something is going wrong with the websocket (javascript is disabled? NoScript? Windows adblock... thing?), or you're somehow overriding the oauth page from loading in a new tab/window so it's loading over the top of the web app's page (that needs to be open when authenticating). What should be happening is when you get redirected to the "added user: Deth" screen the first tab gets told that you're logged on and saves your login, then closes that tab. Can you jump on the discord and we debug this further there? It seems a bit involved to troubleshoot in the Patreon comments :)


I honestly don’t know how to use discord. I’m an older guy who isn’t well versed with the new fangled social media tech. I can try tho.


https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-connect-Discord-to-Patreon-Patron- has the instructions on how to join the discord... Sorry that the web app didn't just work for you. Also.. It now occurs to me that Discord uses the same oauth authentication that isn't working for you with the web app. So that might not be a good sign :D Are you using Internet Explorer, by chance? Could you try using the Chrome web browser and see if that helps? (Internet Explorer is just crappy all around)


As long as it’s NOT made of that godawful unobtainium we’ll be good to go.


I’m not sure what I used. I’m using my cell phone. I clicked the link through Patreon and it sent me to the to the app


Hey man. I don’t know what happened but it’s working now. It doesn’t have a + symbol but it has a button that’s says request so I’m good


*Yay* We'll call that a win then :D The '+' signs are in the list of titles, not the movie's details page. In the Request column of the table, if that helps. But you're free to click into the movie's details and request that way too :) It's just an extra step.

Mingo Wayama

I was in the legal profession, so I got used to my jargon being parodied. It's all in good fun. I find your explanations helpful.

Philip G.

Ahh makes sense


Oh. We’ll I still don’t have the + sign but I don’t care. As long as I can access it I’m ok


So what happened to all the movie suggestions I have been making using the Movie/TV suggestions Link?


They'll all still be in that system I would think (hopefully Cassie will confirm). This is an *extra* way to share your suggestions, the ways of sharing your suggestions that came before it are still valid.


Basically Planner is telling us Cassie and Carly have become so important in our lives that what they choose to watch is now dependent on how much of a death battle we are willing to go at according to our favorite films.


Going by the Patreon and Youtube comments that was true well before I came along? :D And there's no downvoting in the web app, it's an entirely positive environment, thank you very much. Helped of course by not actually being able to talk on there :D

Happy Hanukkah

Interesting development. Kudos to Planner. (I'm looking forward (platonically!) to the github.) Two questions: 1. Can one easily switch back and forth between basic and advanced mode? 2. In advanced mode, if I have a list of x movies, what is the distribution of points between n and x-n+1?

Jake McNulty

Of course Happy, you can switch back and forth easily. All it takes is the press of a button. Edit: Personally speaking I find the best way to understand how the app works is simply to just play around with it.


1: Switching between modes is as simple as clicking the button. When you click from Advanced to Simple all of your requests get re-submitted with a score of 0.5. Switching from Simple to Advanced re-submits your requests in whatever underlying order they have. The underlying order is stable-ish (you can change it), new things get added to the end even while in basic mode. 2: To explain in English, the scores are evenly distributed from 0.9 to 0.1 over the requests from first to last. The code that achieves this (for display purposes) is in the frontend, and you can look it up: Open the web app > View Source (Ctrl+U) > Search for the string "Be sure if you change the score calculation here that you also change it server-side" The backend doesn't trust the frontend to send it scores, it calculates them independently from the (ordered by you) list of imdb ids sent. Specifically the score is calculated as: (0.5-((0.9/len)*((val/(9/8))/100)*(i-len/2))); Where 'len' is the length of the list of movies; 'val' is 100 (a legacy part of the code - you used to be able to set the scale of the algorithm); and 'i' is the (zero-indexed) position in the list. I'd second Jake's recommendation of looking at it working in practice, find someone on the web app who is in Advanced mode with only a few requests and look at how it shakes out. You can find them by opening the detailed view of movies and looking for people whose score contribution is anything but 0.5.

Happy Hanukkah

Thanks. 1. I didn't think I'd find this in the html source so didn't even bother looking. In case anybody here is interested and shares my esthetics, the score can also currently be represented as: 0.5 - (i-len/2)/(1.25*len) (as long as val remains legacy) 2. I first tried adding some 50 movies via bulk (with some late redundancies), but it seems only 11 went through, with some error messages being thrown about the imdb page not being found. I started over manually, but if you have usable logs, you might want to take a look to see if there might be an issue. 3. Are you quite sure that Cassie has indeed seen The Mask of Zorro (1998) (as opposed to The Mask), and has not seen Interstellar? 4. If you're open to feedback on the matter: I'd be more than OK with requests for previously reacted-to or even seen movies not being accepted. 5. Not directed to you: I find myself wondering if the patrons who chose The Secret Life of Brian as opposed to Life of Brian did so intentionally. Again, kudos.


Patreon isn't letting me reply to you :P ... 1. That is a neater way of expressing it now that "val" isn't relevant. 2. That's the sort of thing that would need to be debugged using your list to figure out what exactly went wrong. Bulk Adding is a less robustly tested part of the code since most people don't use it. 3. I am quite sure that she has seen The Mask of Zorro, yes, as it's come up directly from her :) Interstellar is an interesting case as it's marked as seen on her letterboxd, but she has mentioned in a Live that she didn't recall enough about it that it might be possible for a reaction to be done for it. Hence it being marked as unseen on the web app. 4. You can request previously reacted-to things, their scores are zeroed out :) Things on Cassie's "Seen" list have their scores halved. There is a warning message that shows if you're requesting something that Cassie has already reacted to, and the 'Info' tab shows if you're requesting anything that is on her seen list. Both are clickable that will filter the list of requests to only those movies. 5. Yes, it's a bit of a problem :D You should look up Die Hard 2 in the web app, 6 people are requesting a reaction to the Amiga Video Game instead of the movie. Someone was requesting the Quantum of Solace game too. There is a warning for if people are requesting Video Game titles, so hopefully that resolves itself :D As to the documentary instead of the movie... It's tougher because documentaries are a legitimate thing that people might want to request. If people aren't looking at what they're requesting there is only so much hand-holding the web app can do?

Jake McNulty

Just wanted to let some of you know that there have been a few updates to the app which may require you to refresh the page. Not compulsory per-say, might be helpful though.

Happy Hanukkah

Very nice of Patreon to protect you from me. Or vice-versa. :-) 2. Should you wish, I can send you the original imdb list (let me know how), but I don't have a record of which movies made it through. 3. I'll take your word for Zorro. I seem to recall the Interstellar comment; it's probably one of the better candidates for a "re-reaction". In fact, I'll add it to my list now. 5. Quite agree.

Mike Lemon

Planner- The Amiga game? I might have a ROM and Emulator of that around, could be an interesting reaction...


Oh noes, discord is down. Hey, where'd everyone go on popcorn-requests... Oh noes, my app is down too :D Cloudflare is having issues that they're trying to fix, popcornrequests is one of the things affected. And it's resolved :)

Bob Hanflig

Love the app, but would like to be able to add multiple genres.


To filter your search, you mean? You can, just add them in a comma separated list? I.e., "Comedy, Action" will only show titles that have both Comedy and Action genres.


I'm not getting it :D You make a suggestion by adding a request for a specific title (that has an IMDb page). The genres for a title are gotten from IMDb. You want to be able to add genres that are missing to the titles on the web app? "User tags", basically? Or you want to be able to suggest whole genres that Cassie should watch? And then multiple of them at the same time? I.e., "I want to be able to request that Cassie watch Action, Comedy, War movies."?

Norrin Radd

How do you request a movie on this app? I can search for movies, but there's no request button.


You need to link your Patreon account first - Click on the Menu button in the top left to find the button to do so. Though now that you've mentioned it instead of just hiding the request button on the detailed movie view I'll put a 'Link your Patreon Account' button where it would be instead, which should help more people find it.


Catch up on PiB Reactions of course :D Fill in all of the titles you want a reaction to in the web app. Go socialise with friends as a distant third option.


How do we make requests or suggestions? I couldn’t figure it out…