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Here is SPEED! I had been wanting to watch this one anyways since so many of you said we would love it, I was so happy it won the poll. Carly was preparing for a horror movie but we ended up having so much fun watching this! They don't make em like they used to eh? JK I think I even have Carly in my Keanu club now! 

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Joel P

"We've learned a lot more about storytelling and deepening characters in the time since this movie came out, so these days, it probably would have had a lot more depth." Lol, no we haven't. Yes, Disney Star Wars and Thor: Love and Thunder are the pinnacle of human storytelling.

Raven Dark

Yes, and every movie since this came out is exactly like those. Sigh. Okay, so we have Love and Thunder, the Twilight Saga, and the Scary Movie franchise. But those are not supposed to be deep, emotionally resonant films. They are pure shut your brain down entertainment. But there are plenty of masterpieces out there that have come out since Speed, ones that do have lots of depth and are meant to stay with you. As a matter of fact, I never cared for the newer Star Wars films, or Love and Thunder. When I said we've learned a lot about storytelling, I was referring to things like Rocky (the later films are after Speed), The Shawshank Redemption. and The Green Mile. Rocky, Andy Dufresne (Shawshank) and Paul Echcomb, (Green Mile) all feel like real people. Chances are, those stories would probably look very different if they came out twenty years before they did.

Raven Dark

I'm not trying to say that we didn't know how to tell stories back then. Nor am I saying all movies from after Speed are good. The Shawshank Redemption came out the same year as this, and it's one of the best movies ever made. If you want to talk about older movies, The Robe (1953) is wonderful. What I mean is that, in the last thirty years, our sense of storytelling has changed. That's why movies these days can (can, but don't always) feel both fast-paced, and have depth, with not a scene wasted. The problem is, we've become a society obsessed with instant gratification and wanting action more than depth, which is why while there are a lot of masterpieces, there's also a lot of popcorn flicks that don't have much to them. I think that's why the later Star Wars movies aren't nearly as good as the originals. They sacrificed good story for instant gratification, flashy special effects and succumbing to the money-making machine. I'm probably not explaining this well. In my original comment, I was probably trying too hard to be brief, and as a result, I oversimplified. Every era has good and bad films. But things have changed, and while it hasn't always been for the good, sometimes it has.

Terry Yelmene

"Like a rollercoaster!!!" And so began one of the great Hollywood friendships: 'Bullock & Reeves', of the last 30 years! This was a great PiB classic reaction!

Clay F

Sandra Bullock is pretty. Good point about the movie might benefit if more of a motive (or smarter motive), as you say,

Stick Figure Studios

If it helps at all, ladies, there were no passengers on that first bus that blew up. Just the driver who hadn't started his shift yet.

Jyn Jilly

Random fun fact: Sandra Bullock had a crush on Keanu when they were filming

Patrick Toscano

Y'all should check out Keanu in one of my favorite romance movies A Walk in the Clouds.

Erik Daniel

Great pick sir! One of my favorites as well, It's one I hope to send very soon. They will love Paul Sutton. And Anthony Quinn in that movie is so great.


Not Random Fun Fact: Keanu had a crush on Sandra when they were filming.

Raven Dark

Yeah, this isn't a thriller. It's an action movie. The difference is this is like Die Hard, versus something like Silence of the Lambs or Criminal Minds (Tv show). In fact, this movie was marketed at the time as Die Hard on a bus. Loved this movie, and so glad you guys loved it. I knew you would.

Raven Dark

One additional note, which I only thought of after I left the above comment because I left it before I heard your comment at the end about Howard Payne's motives. Were this movie made now, it might have given him the kind of deeper backstory you wanted, probably along the lines of what you mentioned. We've learned a lot more about storytelling and deepening characters in the time since this movie came out, so these days, it probably would have had a lot more depth. Still one of my favorite movies, though.

Patrick Toscano

OMG...I love Anthony Quinn in the movie. I just know they would love the movie and swoon over Keanu lol. And also its a great choice to send.

Michael Threapleton

"We've learned a lot more about storytelling and deepening characters in the time since this movie came out". That's quite a claim. Observe the depth of characters in The Third Man (1949) for example.


Sadly no, you cannot give in to the terrorists demands even if it means some people will die. Giving in to their demands only serves to inspire copycats and give people incentive to commit these crimes. The answer is to crush them. The plane that blew up was being towed by that yellow vehicle, the driver was seen fleeing. And at about 54:00 sorry Carly but no way you would be able to drive that bus. You were scared to WATCH this movie haha. Ok so this was actually my first time ever seeing this movie. It was really good. Both of the "jump the track" scenes took me a little out of it, and when Jack said it the 2nd time I rolled my eyes. I'm pretty sure if they would have slowed down instead of sped up the train would have just stopped on its way up the incline. Those scenes really pushed the suspension of disbelief, but whatever its a movie and it happens. I'd definitely watch it again. Oh and Cassie I think you and Carly really lucked out in this movie. There are many movies listed as "thrillers" that could be considered horror movies. For example 'Panic Room' and 'Secret Window' both are listed on IMDB as crime thrillers but both are also lite horror movies.

Rick Williams

I thought Cassie was bad at handling suspenseful moments. Carly is worse. I would love to see Carly watch more thrillers.


"Prom-prom on your mom-mom" absolutely killed me. I love watching movies with you two!


Keanu is an amazing person in real life. He was at the bar in the hotel where my brother got married and he took a picture with them without even a second thought. It was right before they walked down the aisle to be married. The picture is online as it got picked up by the news very quickly. It made that day even more special as he is one of my brother's favorite actors. I feel very fortunate to have shook his hand that day.

Richard Ryan

Hey Cassie, I'm afraid I'll have to disagree with you on the subject of a better motivation for Mr. Payne. Better motivation would lead to sympathy for Poor Mr. Payne and I don't wanna sympathize with a psycho who'd just as soon blow up a bus full of innocent people as sit down and watch a football game. I'm just sayin'... :)

Joe M

In my opinion, this never aged very well. But it put Keanu on the map and at the end of the day that’s all that matters.