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Hey guys, this is the 1st poll of 3 for summer blockbuster movies I’ve missed over the past 5 decades! These movies were all released during the summertime, and were box office blockbusters of their time. I’m only going to watch the 1 winner of the poll, but most of these movies will probably be on other polls, so don’t be discouraged if the one you want doesn’t win! I’m kind of excited to see almost all of these movies.

The May category is Horror / Thriller! Which I’m partly excited about, and partly anxious about ;-)

June will be Action / Sci-Fi, and July will be comedy

You can vote for as many as you choose, the poll will close 06/02!

Ps-Mission Impossible 2 is rendering as we speak, will be up tonight!

I will do an upcoming post tomorrow morning. 



“The only winning move is not to play.”

nick bell

I picked Wargames and Lost Boys. But Speed will be a great reaction. No complaints here

Doc Southy

Blair Witch is a must at some point, we all know what it was like when we found out about it, and it’s the perfect scenario for this channel. With that said, I’ve been waiting for Speed to be Unwrapped on here! Can’t wait!!!

Stephen Aech

What happened to “scary but not too scary”?

Matthew Linson

If by some chance The Fly wins this poll, Cassie's definitely gonna need to mentally prepare herself, as much as one can for a film like that one.

S Elphick

I’m sure you will enjoy Speed but don’t watch Speed 2

Richard Maurer

It turned into a horror/thriller poll so that the horror movies would not have much of a chance of winning -imo


Had to go with Wargames for nostalgia alone. While it is neither a Horror or really a Thriller it is a wonderful movie. Matthew Broderick and Ally Sheedy early in their careers....Shall we play a game?

Stephen Aech

Ugh. Why even bother putting the “scary” stuff on then? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Was hoping Wargames would win.

Art of Free Speech

Add me as another that hoped to see Wargames win. Even though I think Speed is an okay film, Wargames is just that much better.

James Moy

Like you I love wargames and think it was a better film than speed... however I have voted for speed as I do not think wargames would lend itself well to a reaction video if you see what I mean? Speed, Fri 13th and The Lost Boys on the other had would all make for great Cassie reactions.


Speed and Wargames??? Yes, yes, yes.

Rick Moreno

Both Speed and WarGames are terrific movies. That said, Speed probably lends itself more to a reaction video (I can picture Cassie hiding under a blanket several times during that one).

Joe M

The Blair Witch Project and The Fly should definitely be saved for October. Face Off should also be up for consideration at some point.