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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for The Rise of Skywalker which will be premiering tomorrow on YT afternoon. Hope you enjoy! 

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

Here is the full reaction to this movie. 


[YT Edit] Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker

This is "[YT Edit] Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker" by Popcorn In Bed on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Stick Figure Studios

Strong contender for the worst SW movie of them all.

Bryan Fritchie

So many of the questions that you're asking here (healing powers, etc) are some of the reasons why die hard Star Wars fans don't enjoy these movies as much (if at all). They tried to make Rey so super powerful that it just takes away from what is usually an otherwise good story.

Happy Hanukkah

1. I am launching a petition to rename this movie "Star Wars: Under The Display Towels." :-) 2. 'The dead speak! ... Emperor Palpatine' "Emperor Palpatine?" [head-shake] Right there with you. 3. If only we got to see Richard E. Grant in something better. Maybe some day... 4. But there's at least one good thing coming from this movie: Cassie and we need no longer fear quicksand. Just let yourself be sucked in and you will land in the empty cavern that the quicksand floats on like a cloud. 5. "That kangaroo-donkey-horse world" I hate to break it to you, but we all got a chicken-duck-woman thing waiting for us.


lol couldnt stand it watching it again with the reaction; stopped halfway, this edit is more than enough

Andy Hafler

This comment section is so full of negativity. I challenge people here to post a positive comment about movies they don't like. There had to be at least one thing that made you laugh or cry. Maybe the visuals, the actors. There has to be something that made you happy. I think that would make this channel a more enjoyable place to hangout.

Michael Threapleton

"There had to be at least one thing that made you laugh or cry". Hmm...let me think. I laughed at peurile script. I cried from excessively rolling my eyes. However, I do genuinely respect your call for less negativity. It's ok to like things that others don't. I was excoriated in another comments section for not disliking Iron Fist, the Netflix show.


Someone pls tell me this is the last one

Myles Away

The funniest part about all of this is that some day the Sequel Trilogy will be loved and all the Prequel-lovers will be shocked anyone could think this way. Much like how I look at Prequel-lovers. Just give it time and everyone will be trying to convince you it's so much better than you think it is. Also, this won't take as long as it did for the prequels. People become nostalgic for the past at record pace these days.

Jerry Eiff

I doubt this will ever happen as at least episode 9 The Rise of Skywalker is already being retconned by Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni changing Rey's parentage and the films ending and including many scenes that were cut from the final release. Plus I don't think any passage of time will erase the bad taste of episode 8 The Last Jedi that movie could almost have been called The Last Star Wars it was so bad.


The Clone Wars TV series (and comics, games n novels) did a LOT of heavy lifting to rehabilitate the Prequels. I don't see the will within Disney to do anything like that with the Sequels. Quite the opposite if you believe the scuttlebutt around the LucasFilm watercooler...

Myles Away

Just wait. It is only a matter of time. I agree the movies are bad. I also think the prequels are bad but the tide changed on those and I am just sitting here wondering if I took crazy pills because how could anyone like those movies? Only a matter of time.

Richard Maurer

I was an adult when the prequels came out and they didn't get anywhere near the (deserved) hate that the sequels get. While the hate for the sequels will probably mellow with the passage of time, I don't think it will go away nearly as much it did for the prequels.

Myles Away

That's because the internet was not what it is today. The prequels got off light by happenstance. This is even funnier to me because you all are proving my point. You can't see it now and it is gonna baffle you when it happens.

John Drake

Regarding the shows, Mandalorian is OK, some episodes are great, others drag, but the rest of the TV shows are quite poor under Disneys abysmal and destructive ownership. One concept you'll need to be aware of is what's known as a "bait and switch" where trailers for shows / films etc will use classic characters to lure you in, then it turns out to be something completely different and full of agendas that have little to do with the story or even entertainment


They forgot, too, that Luke didn't even beat the emperor with powers, he won with his heart. Making Rey's story all about her super powers totally misses the point of Star Wars.


@Myles ...Except your question was already answered: The Clone Wars TV show and a LOT of supporting material did the heavy lifting of giving prequel characters more backstory so people would root for them when going back and watching the movies. Same thing happened with Ackbar, who went from a *memorable* fish in a future meme, to someone who was given a long and storied military career with tough decisions that turned him into a fleshed-out and revered character. You keep chuckling like you've been vindicated in these comments because you don't seem to want to acknowledge the points being made. Someone mentions TV shows, comics, games, and novels, and you call that "happenstance"? No, dude, that's the total opposite of happenstance. That's thousands of people working full-time jobs to produce content that builds its own fan base over years and years. The Clone Wars TV show is its own sub-franchise with its own brand. They brought Ahsoka Tano into the modern Mandalorian live action show because she was made popular in the animated Clone Wars show. Good characters with good story lines are what kept people watching a show that gave the prequels more gravitas over time. And as someone explained already, they don't see the same thing happening with the sequels because they're already being retconned. And to be sure, books have already been written to patch up the plot holes in the sequels... but patching holes in a house can only improve the property value so much. If you want to raise the selling price of your home, you need to do serious renovations, add-ons, and upgrades. This is the role that all that other prequel-era material played. It's a lot of work, a lot of heart, and a lot of dedication -- not mere chance with the passage of time. Lastly, there is something to be said for old wounds healing over time -- but the animosity between the battling sequel directors has been immortalized in the material itself. How can a fan base unite over a trilogy that retcons itself in the 2nd movie, and again in the 3rd? The prequels were criticized for many things, but never for sabotaging itself between story lines. At the very least, the prequels believed in themselves.

Christoph Wolf

This was the only part of the sequel trilogy where I left the theatre in a good mood. In part because all was finally over, but also in part because it is a feel good film. Obviously, it neither works as an ending to the trilogy nor to the saga but as a stand-alone what if film set decades after the battle of Endor it has its charms.

Bryan Fritchie

@Jedi Psy Exactly. The Clone Wars (which is basically required viewing if you want to fully understand the TV shows that they are making for Disney+) really helped fill in a lot of the story line, and they make the Prequels better for it.

Raj K. Dixit

The Sequels were vastly superior to the Prequels. I will stand by that. And Rise of Skywalker is the second most entertaining film of the 9 in the Saga - only A New Hope ("Star Wars" back in 1977, as I saw it when I was a wee 4 year old) is more entertaining. How remarkable that the two most enjoyable films in this epic saga are the first and the last!


Visually the sequels were all pretty fantastic, including episode 9. That's about the end of my praise for 9, though.

Doug Fisher

I disagree with you on pretty much all counts... but having said that, I am glad you enjoyed it.

Doug Fisher

@Myles I hate to tell you this... but there is NO WAY that people come around on the "ST". If anything, the liking and feel good for it will go away the more people see it and think about it. The hate or dislike for the "PT" was over story choices, writing, directing, and George's focusing too much on CG. What the "PT" had though was it still felt like Star Wars and it didn't destroy the "OT". Where as the hate for the "ST" comes from the fact that it is pretty much a copy of the "OT" (No originality) and that it completely DESTROYS the "OT" and the characters we love from it. So I can't see people who hate the "ST" (which would include me) from ever changing their views on that. We love the "OT" too much! To people talking about books, cartoons, etc. filling in gaps... well, if you need an outside source to fill in gaps in logic or plot holes, then you have a bad movie. Didn't need any outside source for the "OT".

Doug Fisher

@John 100%!! You get it. Though, I think saying the "Mandalorian" is OK, is giving it too much credit. All modern day writing has to pass through the prism of D.I.E. first which is a creativity killer... and Disney has committed majorly to this way of thinking. (Force is Female) Unless it is in China of course. Story telling is last on the list for Disney.

Jason Fulbright

Love the "Display Towels' video on YT too. You are the new Lady Mondegreen and I'm loving it!