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We've sure come a long way since number one when I held up the Star Trek sign thinking it was related to Star Wars... There were things I loved in this one and things I am mad/sad about. It felt like a return to the original vibe but with added twists that contradicted previous story lines. Overall, I love all these guys, what an insane universe George Lucas has built! Though this is the last movie, I still have to watch some of the shows that I've heard good things about like the Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett. And of course the upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi show!

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Doubting Thomas

Never understood all the love shown Rogue One...🤷🏻‍♂️

Stick Figure Studios

Me neither. It has some striking visuals and that Vader corridor scene is awesome, but I never cared a lick for any of the characters and I was never that fond of the explanation behind the flaw in the death star's design.

Mike Lemon

Rogue One, for me, is one of those movies that is enjoyable when you first watch it, but if you think about it at all it falls apart. Also, like the "Vader is space Jesus" prequels, it is a movie that didn't need to be made. The line or two in Star Wars and our imagination was all that was needed.

Just Plain Bob

Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker are two of the worst films ever made.


i love your content, popcorn. i know this probably is not the place to suggest something else but i know for an absolute fact that ted lasso would be one of your new favorite shows. not many yt/patreon reactions to it so it may be uncharted territory to draw in new fans. also reactions to older classics like the sopranos or the wire or breaking bad. regardless i will keep watching whatever content you produce. you have a great energy that some unfortunate folks dont have in their lives. thanks


Under the display towels needs to be a shirt lol

Aaron Taft

Now that you have seen all the Star Wars you should watch Mell Brooks's SPACE BALLS!!! you will get all most all of the jokes now


This movie is so bad. 2nd time watching this since theater and is even worse. The whole Kylo and Rey thing sucks.


I found your channel from you watching the OT trilogy and instantly became a fan. Joined the Patreon soon after and have loved your channel from the start. Watching along with this film has completed the circle and what a great journey it has been to re-watch (some for the first time *cough* Sequel Trilogy *cough*) these amazing (with a few not so amazing) films that informed my childhood and whose echoes reverberate through my adult life. Thank you for being you and allowing us to share these great film and TV experiences along with you. Kia Ora from New Zealand!

Mr. Writhms

Speaking of Star Trek... 😉 How about the reboot/remake trilogy? (A.K.A. the Kelvin timeline trilogy to the Trek-geeks) "Star Trek" (2009) "Star Trek Into Darkness" (2013) "Star Trek Beyond" (2016)

Mike Lemon

The towels are a lie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLvBCR1ZOVo


I think she would enjoy voyager. And if we are ruining things at least have her watch Wrath of Khan first

Mr. Writhms

From what I understand (correct me if I'm wrong) Cassie has never watched any Star Trek. The reboot movies are an introduction to the original characters. “Wrath of Khan” expects you to already know who all the characters are, and know the old 1960s TV episode “Space Seed” it refers. For new Star Trek watchers, I think the JJ. Abrams reboot is the best bet, without her having to go back and watch hours of the old TV show. And I agree with "Voyager".

Mike Lemon

I never watched the '60s show, and I followed along just fine watching Wrath of Khan. edit- Plus the new movies are the least Star Trek-y movies.

Mr. Writhms

@Mike You should check out the episode “Space Seed”. “The Wrath of Khan” was essentially a sequel to that episode. You’ll see why Khan wanted revenge so badly, barring the exposition in the movie. Khan was played by the same actor.

Aaron Mann

I agree with the above. As a ST noob myself, I found the Abrams reboot to be the most noob friendly and I think it would be a great starting point for Cassie to dip her toes in the ST universe. It explains the Kirk backstory very well and does a good job with all the other characters and their development.

Mark M

I found the JJ movies to be the most Star Wars-esque.

Stick Figure Studios

TROS is definitely one of the worst SW movies ever made, but not even close to being one of the all-time worst films ever made. Also, I agree with Patrick: TLJ is actually good.

Stick Figure Studios

Personally, I think ST noobs should start with the original movies. I think the Kelvin trilogy in particular would be more satisfying, more meaningful (and just more comprehensible) if the original movies are watched first.


I liked this a lot more watching a long with you than when I went to see it in theaters. Also, you've finished star wars, so I hope you still plan on doing Galaxy Quest!


I strongly second Galaxy Quest. Although I believe it would be best for her to familiarize herself with Star Trek and the characters there before watching GQ.

Wil Olandria

As a Star Trek fan I think what Cassie should do is take a poll of which Star Trek episodes to watch then just watch the Star Trek movies in order of release. This makes the most sense. After she watches "Undiscovered Country" she can do the same for Star Trek TNG, then follow with "Generations" onward.


TROS is a product of TLJ's horrid writing. That and with Disney and KK interfering with JJ forcing him down a path to try and appease people who hate TLJ and those who loved TLJ. They bought him out of his contract with Paramount just so he could come back and try to fix the mess RJ left the trilogy in after TLJ, they should have let him do his job. I would have loved to see JJ's original vision for this movie. based on the renders I have seen, it would have been way more interesting. JJ was in a no win situation with this film. If he didn't retcon enough of TLJ, haters of that film would hate this movie also. on the flip side, If he retconned any of TLJ, people who loved that film would hate this movie. IMO, he didn't retcon enough of it but probably because Disney wouldn't let him.

Cassie Tremblay

Michael! you are right becuase I loved loved LOVED Ted Lasso, I would totally watch it for the channel but I already watched it dangit, maybe the new season. My favorite show of 2020 and beyond

Cassie Tremblay

Im so happy you are here, thank you for the kind words!! My mom was a world traveller and always said New Zealand was one of her very favorites, so I have always wanted to go!!


Nice! If you ever make it down these ways I can give you a list of things that you may find fun and interesting to do and see. I worked for Weta Digital for years, many moons ago (got my training on Return of the King) and still have connects in that industry. Regardless, I'll be tuned into your content for as long as you're happy to produce it. Give your sis a high five as well, she is always a welcome addition when she is on!

Jerrod Acree

Such a romantic! Lol. Love it!