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Hey everyone! Sorry this has taken much longer to get out than planned. 

I was told this movie is best seen on the big screen, so I rented out a movie theatre and invited friends and family to come and watch a long! This was the first time we've done something like this and there are lots of things we're going to change the next time around. 

There are a few issues that will make this a bit more difficult to watch than other full length watch a longs. They'll be resolved the next time we do this. Here are the issues:

  • The camera is NOT great in low-light, so the dark parts of the movie are DARK and you won't be able to see me or Carly. We'll get this fixed for the next one. 
  • Next issue was the sound - the movie was LOUD and you can clearly hear every single thing in this full length reaction, so it might not be the greatest experience following a long with your own copy (sorry about that). We've got plans to fix that moving forward as well. 
  • We attached Carly's mic to the wrong side of her shirt haha, so it's difficult to hear what she's saying in some parts.. this will be fixed in future theatre reactions.

Despite those issues, it was great to go to the theatre and see a movie the way it was meant to be shown. Carly hit traffic and was late but luckily she's already seen this before. There are few mini interviews with some family members after the movie as well. 

I'm hoping to get Firefly out tonight, but it's been a crazy day and I may have to upload it in the morning. Anyway, hope you guys have a great evening, sorry for the long post!! 

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

Find your own copy to follow a long with. (This might be pointless at the moment because I don't think the movie is available again until Dec. 2nd or 3rd?)

Download this full reaction. 


Dune - Full Reaction

This is "Dune - Full Reaction" by Popcorn In Bed on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Luke Godfrey

Darn it. Just loaded up the movie to find this video no longer exists!! Same as lots of other reactions I want to watch. Stupid Vimeo!


Darn, neither direct link or play feature in patreon is working.

Adam Hendry

Was lucky enough to see it in IMAX and was blown away by the sights (and especially the sound, lol)! Looking forward to seeing your reaction to it! 😊


Well 'A' for effort and ambition, I'm sure next time will be great. Personally I found the movie overrated, and scifi is my jam and I saw it opening weekend in imax, wish I could like it as muchh as the praise as it's getting

William Bryan

That is one giant tub of popcorn lol


I’m sure this was not easy, logistically. Thank you for doing it!


highly recommend everyone download this one because there’s a chance the audio will get it flagged even on Vimeo.


I am amazed you and carly were never hush lol

nick bell

Always a way to watch it.


Cool idea to do this in a theater. It'll get easier in the future as you sort out these minor issues.


Small clarification, the book was written before the Lord of the Rings movies but not before the Lord of the Rings books

Wes Stewart

I honestly didn’t expect you to watch this one for a while but I’m totally delighted that not only did you watch it but caught on the big screen too with friends and family. That’s what it’s all about. I haven’t watched your reaction yet but I sincerely hope you enjoyed the movie and I can’t wait until they make and release Part Two. This was an incredible experience for me to see on the big screen as I’ve essentially grown up with this story.


Love this movie. We rewatched Dune 1983, Dune 2000 Mini Series. After we watched Dune 2021 for the 3rd time. I have to look my stacks of movies for Children of Dune 2003 to rewatch. Can’t wait for part 2 to come out.


It's only part one. It's a pretty good adaptation so far. Give part two a chance, you might like it as a whole.


Good recommendation. I think it could highly happen.


Funny thing is I knew all that and all the other supposed complaints about it before going in. I was seriously primed to eat this movie up. I haven't read the book so on one hand had zero expectations except for it to be good and on the other hand after watching it, I felt like this movie was made assuming your a fan of the book. Then others like me having not read it ended up loving the movie, so idk


That was cool! Nice to meet the popcorn parents! 😁


Dune came out in 1965. It can vary depending on who you ask, but science fiction has been around for hundreds, or even thousands of years. I put a link at the end of my post to Wikipedia, you can read more there. Even though Dune was not the first science fiction story written, it was one of the first that brought a more multi-layered story into the fold. The most important layer would be ecological, or how the health of the planet can influence the actions and needs of the people who live on it. Other layers (religion, politics, and others that I won’t mention, spoilers for the second half of the story) also come into play. I could write pages about the book, but let’s just say it was very influential, and lots of the fiction we all like today would be different or simply not exist without it(books, movies, video games, etc). If you want to read more about how and why it changed everything, here is a good story from a few years ago. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_fiction https://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/jul/03/dune-50-years-on-science-fiction-novel-world

Alex Villarreal

I'm not usually into sci-fi, but this movie had me invested in this family's emotional journey and all this royal family intrigue really got my attention. Can only imagine the fun Cassie had on that trip in that her voice is still recovering.


Look, I love you Popcorn, I really do, but if someone was in my theater filming a reaction, I would probably kill them. I hope you rented out the entire theater, & the people in the back are your family of something.


A few things: My criticism: the sound was an issue - I think the blanket rubbing against the mic interfered a bit. And yes in the dark scenes, it was hard to see your reactions,... sounds like you address these issues in future. 1) Spice is only produced on ONE planet in the whole universe (Dune or Arrakis). That is why it is so rare and expensive. Where it comes from, comes later, so no spoilers. 2) Spice has many properties. It is addictive,... it can lead to an extended life and helps with health. It is also a psycho active drug,... hence how it affects Paul. 3) With extensive use,... once you reach a certain point,... you have to continue taking it or you will die. With saturation in the body - one of the side effects is the Blue in blue eyes. That can happen to anyone, but the Fremen live on Dune so they are born with it because the spice is everywhere on Dune. 4) The fremen use it in everything,... and yes it is also a food spice. 5) The Saudaukar are the Emperors personal army,... and are trained on a very harsh world. They have their own religion,... but the planet is also a prison planet (which is where they recruit from). 6) The Fremen came originally from Earth and followed Islam (this comes from the later books - they traveled through multiple planets and endured hardship - hence their very spartan and hard values). 7) This book focuses (in the background) on Ecology and Environmentalism, but all the books talk about Psychology, Politics, Religion, and Science. The third book can explain much of these above topics better. 8) This book came out in 1966,... so, yes it had an influence on some of the other Sci-Fi books and movies that came out later. 9) Paul was not only trained in the Bene Gesserit way, but also with Mentat training as well,... those combined with the DNA genetics, and the introduction of spice is what makes him see these things. His visions are faulty a bit, because something needs to happen for him to see the future completely. edit: He has NOT become the kwisatz haderach yet at this point - Chani was right - This is only the beginning. The spacing guild uses space to have visions to complete space travel. The Bene Gesserit use it for Truthsaying. The Fremen have their own uses including a group vision with orgies (really sort of down played in shows and movies). Paul is the primary character,... the others give him character and support him,... Everyone who has died so far played their roles. The "beast" Rabban is known in the books for his terrible temper and exceptional cruelty, although all the Harkonnens are cruel in general. One of Pauls visons is about Jihad - it is a central theme to the story,... The legends of the Fremen speak about a Messiah who will lead them on a Jihad - holy war.

Brian McGovern

She said at the start she invited friends and family. What amazes me is how were they able to convince a cinema chain to allow them to film inside the theatre.

Björn Von Knorring

Considering the others were griends and family who got to watch it for free because Cassie rented the whole theater it is not that surprising. They knew about it beforehand.


Read her post - she clearly stated that she rented the theater and invited friends and family. They didn't just go into some random theater and set up shop lol

Wu Sha Ling

great that you enjoyed it. villeneuve is my favorite working director atm. minor issue: the onscreen timer is off by a lot. it seems to be running at half speed.


Talk about going above and beyond, what a gal.


Ok, I see that now, thank goodness lol. Love seeing the entire fam.


I play Warhammer 40k and the influences from Dune are left, right, & center.

Obie Brown

This is SO COOL. Cassie becoming the best reactor!

Jon Johns

I've heard some complaints about star wars, that it's not sci-fi, but rather, space fantasy. Mis named genre. Is that the case here? Or is it something else about the story, plot, characters, cinematography...

Steven Ashford

Loved seeing your parents. So Glad you got time with your family. You have a whole different level of energy with your family, which doesn’t surprise me.

Grégory Gautier

Good idea the theater, not sure that everyone could have been on the bed... 😄


Very bad idea


Some people woke up on the wrong of the side of the bed apparently.

Chris Reise

This was a good idea, I appreciate you telling us about the issues prior to watching your reaction...that way we could make our own decision whether or not to watch it. I gave it a shot but could watch past 20 minutes. Not your fault and I WILL be checking out the reaction the NEXT time you try an in-theatre reaction. With ME, it was the audio that gave me the most trouble. Since your mic was picking up the audio from the film there was the obvious echo (which I expected going in) but my personal copy kept going out of sync and I had to keep pausing my copy so your audio could catch up. That was the main reason I had to stop watching...I just couldn't enjoy it while trying to sync it up every 4 or 5 minutes...again...not your fault. I ended up rewatching your reaction for "Rocky II" and I loved it AGAIN. What I have decided to do is make a collection of your Rocky reactions, all I have to do is replace your blurry inset of the film with my own clear version as an inset instead. Now you're going to HAVE to watch the rest of the films...you wouldn't want my collection to be incomplete now, would you? LOL Have a good day, Cassie. Thanx for all that you do for us. I am looking forward to your latest "Firefly" release. Hugs. <3

Michael Larsen

Great idea to get the theatre experience but I have to skip this, it's completely unwatchable with all the issues and even plays too fast compared to my copy, so I have to re-sync every 5-10 minutes. Hopefully you enjoyed it :)


Nah its definately hardcore scifi/fantasy together. I made a comment on a reddit discussion on the film a while back when the movie came out. Instead of looking incredibly abnoxious and copy and pasting the long text here, ill just post the link. Doesnt encapsulate everything i thought but gives some idea. If your interested you can read it. It does have some spoilers tho. https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueFilm/comments/qmjknx/thread_for_the_flaws_of_dune_2021/hjq76yo?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3

Hannah Mather

I love this idea! I dont know if I really am interested in watching this movie, but if I do, I will be watching it with you guys

William Bryan

This is kind of side note but when Lady Jessica is gagged why doesnt she just lick the tape off? Duct tape, electrical tape, etc are easy to lick off your lips. js lol


I liked how the on screen explosions would light up the camera view of the two of you. Cool effect, even if not intentional.

John Drake

By any chance, were / are you & your sister referred to as "C & C" ? I imagine you two getting up to mischief, and your parents saying "Oh C & C were causing trouble again ..."

Trembling Colors

The spice is valuable to trade because it lets the spacing guild (who control all space travel) see slightly into the future through it’s use and they need to be able to do that so they can chart courses through space without hitting something like an asteroid or planet etc while going faster than light. It’s also valuable as a widespread habitual drug. In the past of the Dune universe they had a Terminator like war against machines that had taken over humanity and after winning that war Mankind banned forever any machine that thought (A.I.) so because of that humans had to become as smart as machines to make up for it so you have specialized groups like the Spacing Guild, Mentats, and the Bene Gesserat sisterhood.


The fact that you took this risk indicates to me that you care more about your channel than 99% of reactors. If you can get in-theater reactions to work it'll make you unique. If not, oh well, you've figured out how far the envelope can be pushed. It's a bold experiment.

Em McG

Ah that was pretty cool watching your reactions. That was the 3rd time for me watching the movie or 2.5 I'm not sure the audio is an issue in this case because it was a special occasion, a theater reaction. I'm thinking if I'm watching my own copy and watching the reaction I have to balance the audio between the two videos anyway. In this reaction I just listened to the reaction audio only (I've seen the movie anyway). So I don't know that the movie being loud is an issue for an in-theater reaction.

Em McG

I see what you mean by needing to watch this in the theater. I have a big screen at home but I forgot about the audio, I'll have to use my good headphones next time I watch this. I have a good sound system too with subwoofer but I haven't used it in a while - good headphones gets you part of the way there. I used to go to the theater almost weekly with friends before the "before time." Last one I recently saw in the theater was Shang-Chi.

Em McG

Cassie, I'm glad the world of Mad Max has quietly insinuated itself into your thoughts. "Where must we go, we who wander these desert dunes in search of our better selves."

Mark M

I really enjoyed this despite the technical difficulties and I applaud you for trying something new. Loved the cameos by your fam(Hi Mom!)and also loved all the Star Wars references throughout. Explaining the force to Carly like the Star Wars veteran you’ve become. I hope Thanos(Gurney Halleck or Josh Brolin) Avengers the Duke once he gets all the infinity stones😊😉



Mr Jordan

When I heard you wanted to see this movie in the theater (as it was intended) and then sharing that experience with us - I finally got off my butt and became a Patron. This kind of effort needs to be commended and supported. I know you will work out the technical issues and the end result will be amazing and unique among movie reactors. I can't wait for the next in theater reaction.

Robert Haynes

Okay, I just watched it, and honestly the technical issues aren't that bad. The Static is a little annoying, but manageable. The sound from the movie coming through was clear enough that I just muted the audio on my copy and it was fine. I'm glad you got the chance to watch it.

Andrew Hogan

I have absolutely no interest in this movie, I was just curious to see how this came out. I noticed your popcorn and I hope to god you see Top Gun 2 in theaters like this.

James Little

DUNE is without a doubt my favourite book of all time. Villeneuve nailed it. Phenomenal film and DEFINITELY one that I’ll only ever watch in a cinema/big screen


I finally saw Dune! I like it. Definitely has the grandiosity and epic set design like Star Wars. I know the book was published in 1965, but I had no idea how rich the story was. I’d refused to watch the 1984 film just because of how it looked. I mean, it was cheesy even for that time period. There were two 21st century reboots that were automatically guilty-by-association to me based on their introductions in the 1980s. 1) Dune [1984] and 2) Battlestar Galactica [1980]. Both have been redeemed, so I’m happy for new renditions of older material. I enjoyed this watch along with a film I had not seen.


btw, if we're watching newer movies, please watch The Last Duel I think you'll love it!


The spacing guild uses the spice to bend space,.... moving without moving,... the travel they are doing is impossible right now,... its an instantaneous movement from one place to another,... and the use of spice has made the spacers not quite human any longer - how the spice is used, and by whom (male or female) it is used determines what can be done with it,... and what the effects will be. It can be used in several different forms (gas, solid, liquid) - the spacers use it in a gas, the Bene Gesserit use the water of life,... the Fremen use it in their food. The spacing guild navigators are all men. Plus the rarity and difficulty in obtaining it add to the cost.

Texas Anla'Shok

Just got out of this. Guess I better watch while it’s still fresh in my mind.

Cassie Tremblay

Might be difficult to watch as it was our first time doing something like this, but I would love to know what you thought about the movie!

Texas Anla'Shok

Well, the first time will never be smooth. I thought it was pretty good, though after the Harkonnen attack, I kept expecting it to end. That might be because I've seen the mini-series from 2000, which ended the first part around that point. Also, I think that's the first time I've seen Jason Momoa shaven. Just about everything I've seen him in he had some form of facial hair.

Doc Savage

Oh man.. Wonderful movie watch-a-long. Much Thanks.


Lord of the rings was published in 1948, Dune in 1965


My favorite film of 2021, Villeneuve can do no wrong

Craig Russell

I never could get it to sync up, my version played a little faster than yours for some reason.



Robert C

Still on Vimeo, says private video. Can we get this one moved to YT?