I did this a few months ago back in August and got a couple out of the way, but I wanted to check the vibes again. A couple (like the Sonia/Nessa one) I haven't been able to figure out for a while but now sorta have an idea to get that moving, while older projects like the FF7 one may have been killed off due to VA issues. At the least for most of these, the projects are in some form of Wip that can be found in the WIP folder on drive.
Let me know what your most anticipated WIPs are. I got good data on what my audience is looking for but I'd like some more refinement. Multiple choices are available, but just pick the only you really want. A top 5.
(Putting them down altogether, it feels like Genshin and Pokemon are the main properties that just do not get finished. There has to be a curse of some kind).