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Hello lads!

This is another edition of State of the Patreon. Looking back I've done this every three months for the past 3-4 editions, so I hope y'all are used to it! This is a big one though so pay attention.

As a lot of you probably know, a power outage took out my hard drives and so I had to get them replaced. Only cost about 200 to fix up, thankfully, but I did lose valuable files in the process. It's all on me for not backing them up, as I've never had this happen before in my 15+ years of computer ownership, but at the least, I actually did have a lot online.

Most of my commissioned work, voice lines and models, plus anything that was on the archive is safe. My workshop items are good and SFMLAB still has most of my items so I'm already back up and running as usual. The main things I've lost are:

  • Audio sound effects

  • DMX files which held my projects

  • Custom materials (so Nomu Midnight will get a new skin soon)

  • Video files

The good news is that I was in between projects at the time, and I hadn't started up anything too seriously, so for this month's project that should be going on as scheduled, with me working on it tonight. Bad news is that I had saved up some finished projects for a rainy day later, and now those are dead. There about 6 loops or shorts from the WIP section? It's hard to remember, but the WIPs in my system that haven't been done yet will remain that way, unless I just use my WIP folder, put in the audio, and release as that. Not as high quality, but some are already pretty solid on their own.

The worst thing that was lost though was my set for Prototype Girls. That was coming up on a year since I announced it and I was going to cut suggestions for next month so that I can work on that, but that is no longer happening. On the one hand I'm sad, as I know lots of people were looking forward to seeing this completed. On the other, it does open up better avenues for storytelling, as I've wanted to make an animated adaptation for the My Herogasm game (that y'all have been yepping in discord lol), so the audio I still have for that may move into that bigger project, but that is becoming more of a "when it's ready" kind of thing. At the least, I have Yinyama making updated models for the two hosts and Ibara for such an occassion. You may have already seen Ryukyu's new model in my April video, but I digress.

So overall, we're trucking forward with the second half of the year. I'm going to keep moving as if nothing happened. However, some changes and announcements need to be made here, so here's the update.


Comics are going to be replaced by 2 loop suggestions for the Class 2A suggestion poll.

Yes, we're going AyyTeeThreeDee style here.

I did a poll about this time last year asking if this was to be done and comics wons 59/41. However, things have changed since then, and now I'm offering double so prep for that. Overall, I've felt for the past while that my comic work, as much as I love them, have not been as popular as my videos for a long time. They're a pain in the butt to upload to sites and garner much less attention. I'm sure it's the same reason why my videos are popular anyway. In the world of anime, animation is king! Plus comics almost take the same amount of time as full videos take to make, so I think I can go with two loops instead, and with time as a discretion, make them 30-45 second loops, again, similar to my colleague AT3D. I may even allow Patreon polls to determine which videos get chosen, as it's not as scripting/time heavy as full videos. We'll test it out in July to see how it works.

2nd announcement is August will double up on suggestions for the month because I will be on vacation for half of September. I will have very little time to have everything ready by then, so best to have the prep work done ahead of time as it takes about 10-14 days to get a full length video off the ground in the first place, so August is a very good time to be a 2A/3A student.

3rd is in the middle of all this, plans may go to pot because I am currently house hunting, so the fun of packing and moving may hit me at any moment, so in advance I apologize. This has affected my Picarto streaming a lot recently, so that is why.

4th is the 125k Q&A video. I think I have everything to work on it. Put a pin in that. I'm going to focus on projects as they're needed because I'm trying to wrap extra tasks up.

Finally, commissions are almost done on my end and with that, I will NOT be opening up commissions for a long while. I've had some people asking recently because I've been posting my comms, but, let's say for the past 4 months, I've been working on clearing out as much of my monthly time table as possible. Comics have usually taken 7-10 days and videos 10-14. That usually leaves 10ish days for me to do anything else in that time period, and it has been filled with catch up for some time, and I wish to use that time for some larger, multi month projects that have been having a hard time getting worked on due to my scheduling. If everything goes well, you'll see some interesting projects from me you have not expected from me (and some you will, like My Herogasm).

That's all I have for now. I hope to get something nice out there for y'all soon. I have a Nami/Robin loop in the WIP file. I'll get more for y'all soon. Thank you guys so much for supporting me. I greatly appreciate it. Cheers.



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