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Hello Lads,

Writing this to you a bit relieved and exhausted that I got this part of the video done so far, and I've hopefully set the groundwork for part 2 to come out next month. Even only half done, we're at 2:30 in runtime. My videos from last year averaged around that amount!

To increase his sexual combat skills in a wildly evolving Hero market (hentai rules), Deku spends a week with Ryukyu and Mirko for a harsh training regiment which requires a lot of...well obviously.

Video is on discord, as well as Drive and Dropbox. I'll link each below. If there's any issues with playback it may be due to traffic. Download if able.


Sub: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wkIWxpSGcb77EOMKd4GOW-x_jBVw-XnS/view?usp=drive_link

RAW: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kZ5HGel8q-U672tiSkQHSIU2Eg_ua6Vj/view?usp=drive_link


Sub: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2urv3dbjyn973cll7onge/april-deku-video-part-1-sub.mp4?rlkey=snk7f0evxyp5ts7soywbpjjl6&st=mnmx2v31&dl=0

RAW: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2r0xoxc52xam0g0pvvseg/april-deku-video-part-1-Raw.mp4?rlkey=oeukppw37euchxkoaonaq4epz&st=ri2fvvwd&dl=0

Up next I'll be taking a break to do the Sailor Moon Comic and then it's back to part 2. Also once sfx audio comes back in from Kinky I'll have the March video out at some point. Stay tuned.




It's nice seeing Ryukyu again but when will the wild pussy cats make a come back especially Ragdoll.


This is amazing

