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Hello lads!

Due to the building amount of archived videos being taken down by my cloud storage, I made a new archive for people to download all of my work. Please use the links below. Any older posts will likely not work in the coming future.

Videos: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/a9ogikxsxq49hvckuqodh/h?rlkey=605bq17tvl7941pvlzur2ovgn&dl=0

Comics & Posters: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/h54jipwoc7gf5e414tyhq/h?rlkey=4p94a5i051dlbl5wg0mfqpsmd&dl=0

For more content like WIPs, please check out the discord channel. Discord will also have more updates over time that you may not see here.


Ajan Zhen

Link temporarily disabled?


It looks like the bandwith spiked and it went over my terabyte load capacity. I would wait until it can be used again or use the drive.