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Good morning, everyone.

Since JoJo won the postcard poll, here's Dio bowling with Freeza. 

This will be going out in postcard form along with the Fall Star Wars print to everyone in the Elite tier, so please make sure your addresses are up to date so Maki can mail them off to you once they're printed. Thanks to Maki as always for fixing up the anatomy and helping me balance out the colours and shading (as well as personally mailing all of these)!

Honestly, this kind of image reminds me a lot of the kind of Saturn/PS1 Japan-only titles I'd see in the games room at 90s anime cons. The kind that would never be translated into English and you had to use trial and error to play since all the text was in Japanese... ahh, those were the days!





Looks awesome!


lol im a bit biased but it would be cool to one day see a cool dalek postcard ^^