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The original! The inspiration for 'Dmitri Tracks His Nemesis'.



S Munson

Ooooooo, double exposure special effects even!!! But, why no shoes?


The honest answer is this: I did the nude version first - I often do. When I get a scene to where I like it, I then have to decide what clothing to use for the 'safe' version. Shoes and footgear have *thickness*, so to preserve the camera angles I have so painstakingly set up, I will either link those to the character and move him up so that his footwear looks like they are *on* the ground rather than *in* the ground - or I move the scene around him to accomplish the same thing. I could not do that in this case, however, because Dmitri's fist is *also* resting on the ground. I *did* do some readjusting for 'Dmitri Tracks His Nemesis' - but was just lazy for this version.