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I liked how the giant from last week turned out, so here are some more images to help solidify his look.

Yes, I am aware that I'm repeating myself here. 😄 Any new ideas would be most appreciated! I will also be combing through suggestions that I have received previously. Feel free to remind me if I've forgotten a previous suggestion!



S Munson

Are you Trying to Force a butch bone into my body? Because, my dad would be thrilled at all the trucks I've been seeing from you. He would know that I've never been so involved in trucks since forever!!! So, what if...clearing an area of big huge boulders, or different ways of demolishing old unused buildings in Vegas, or something??? But I'm enjoying seeing last week's giant again wreaking havoc on the auto industry!!!!


Why, yes - yes, I am! 😁 I get off on guys getting off on the images I create - it's a *massive* feedback loop! 🤩