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It has been a week y'all, lol.

Thank you all for the well-wishes and patience while I took a little time to be nursemaid for my partner while they had some minor surgery. They're doing good and appreciates the kind comments! :)

After all of that was taken care of, I ran out of my ADHD meds and thanks to the Adderall shortage I haven't been able to get any more since then. I'm ok, but it takes quite a bit more focus to keep myself on task and stick to my schedules/deadlines. I'll hopefully get a refill soon.

Anyways... here's what I've been working on for the past week!

Monthly Illustration

Messing around with some different angles. I'll probably choose one of them as the main illustration and do another for the Alt version for higher tiers.


Well, "commission" (singular) atm. Finished this one up and will post more that I've finished soon. :)


I've got quite a few Harleys I was drawing as warm-ups that I cleaned up and will post this weekend! Also working on a sequal to that Claire painting from last month as well as some characters for another chapter of Expansomancy.



Some Dude

Yay It's a Lucy!