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Hey everyone! Continuing the Monthly updates as promised!

To start off, February was packed with commissions, private and public. In short, It was a VERY BUSY month! On top of that, we had a little game come out called Helldivers 2, which was another temptation on its own, but lets stay focused here and move on with the update...I want to thank everyone here who has helped grow this community and helped me grow as a NSFW content creator. I truly appreciate all the kind words in the comments and DMs and hope to continue to hear from you in the future. Thanks for everything!

Now lets talk about what to expect in March. This months focus will be more on the experimental side. I plan on testing new styles and methods that I've never done before. Expanding on my workflow and making things quicker and more efficient is something I want to try and improve on this month. For styles, they will range from toon, 3d, more anime-ish looks, and just fun artistic styles that I've always wanted to try. Don't worry though, my normal content that I post is not going anywhere and will still be posted regularly. On top of that, new characters will be introduced this month to reflect some of those styles along with old characters in new styles. Some posts might have 2 different art styles in one, sort of a mashup. So if you see a post and have the thought "wtf happened here?" Don't be alarmed.

My original goal has always been to just have fun with whatever I do and try new things. I don't claim to have the best style or the most liked versions of characters. I just want to make fun content that myself and others can enjoy.  Again, my normal content will still be here, just expect a few others to be sprinkled in here and there. 

Ok, that's enough rambling for now haha. Thanks for all the support and if you have any suggestions on what characters you would like to see, post in the comments below. 

Take care and have a wonderful day!





Oho Hinata in a sexy leather outfit is never wrong, this is really hot I like it

