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welp. i just wasted one of my only free times this week because my screen recorded decided to corrupt the footage. but at the very least here's the proof that i watched it and here are my thoughts on it:

i think that the filler arc started off okay with the introduction of *another* tournament arc because that seems pretty fun, but then episode 132-133 showed a training montage that left a lot to be desired.

ep131 was really sweet because we get to see asta, who was always seen as the trouble kid, be treated as a hero in his hometown village. then there were quite a lot of moments between asta and noelle like her thinking asta wants to marry him, asta princess carrying noelle, etc.

but then ep132 and 133 was pretty much the least ideal way of making a filler. it wasn't "bad" but it did a sin that's even worse, and that is being "boring"

when it's a filler nobody will take "big events" seriously because they know that whenever it goes back to canon the previous things that happened in the filler arc will cancel, so its completely useless to tease ideas of "oh no leon is going to die" or "oh no william is going to step down from being a captain" that shit's stupid. stop it.

add that on with a very uneventful sequence of our characters fighting a giant spider, that whole episode was a total sleeper. at the moment, i am only excited at the prospect of a great fight coming in episode 150, and starting the latest arc which will go back to canon moments.

but either way, thats pretty much the gist of it. see y'all later bye



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