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hey guys just wanna say again that i really appreciate everyone still being here supporting me despite the price change but unfortunately one of the things i feared happened

i'm taking an indefinite break because my dad has been hospitalized for something like a stroke and it seems a bit serious

it all happened really suddenly, as all strokes usually do, so as i was planning to spend the whole day binging gintama my mom woke me up at 5 a.m because my dad seemingly passed out vomitting in the bathroom.

for a while we just tried our best to nurse him back to health but after a while it was clearly not working so we called the ambulance, and there i spent the whole day in the hospital

...kinda feels like god hates it when i react to gintama lol

thankfully, we did a surgery yesterday and it seems successful but now we're just waiting for him to recover in the icu, and during that time we have to always have at least one family member on standby so i wont have time to record reactions.

also, i just dont have the mental capacity to make any videos right now lmao

i will stay somewhat active in instagram, ive already scheduled all of the yoshiwara arc episodes on youtube, and i already have a video ready for my 2nd channel too, so hopefully, fingers crossed, this all passes by and we can come back all good again

at the moment tho i understand if you guys decide to unsub from patreon because this is still money and i dont want you guys to waste it for something uncertain

either way, i appreciate all of your support🫡


Ku Nilsen

This was devastating news to read and I am so sorry! And of course you should prioritize yourself and your family! I wish the best for your father, and absolutely don't force yourself to watch Gintama! Be there for your family and take care of your own mental health. And about Patreon and Gintama, I will probably stay for one or two more months because I would love to show you some support in these challenging times for you. But then I will probably leave and I hope you understand. But as someone else has said, I have been a Gintama fan for many years now. And even more so, you have been my absolute favorite Gintama reactor ever! I'm not sure what your plans will be once things start settling, but I will gladly return to Patreon if/when you do. And I will, of course, continue to watch out for your Gintama/YouTube comment section as long as you need me. I wish there was more I could do, but as a stranger on the internet, I can only wish you and your family all the best and hope everything turns out okay for you guys.

adya shady

I'm so sorry to hear this. Speedy recovery for your dad and sending lots of love to you and your family. Don't worry about reaction, we will be around when you decided to be back :)