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Hey everyone - just a little thing to say Thank You to everyone who is supporting me (or has supported me) on Patreon over this past year.  

Whether you've been here for the long haul, are a recent supporter or have just popped by for a month, i'm really grateful for your support!  Hopefully you've enjoyed the content that you've paid for and choose to stick around, but if you don't it's been great having you around until now :)  

As for how the first year has gone, i think i've learnt a lot - i naively started out not offering any exclusive stuff, got into the groove of making Alts and have recently stepped up to offering early WIPs to bring more value to the Deer Friend tier. Having a monthly project that affords me some more creative control has led me to try out sequences more, and has resulted in some of my favourite drawings. 

In terms of numbers, today I hit 75 Patrons - admittedly, 11 people cancelled this month too, so real terms it's closer to 60 - but that's a new high! I wouldn't have believed it at the beginning of the year but 100 patrons seems kind of achievable, and i'm determined to create some quality stuff and earn that number. 

I'm excited to see what the next year of Patreon brings, and i'll close with one last thanks for your support!  

Have a very merry holiday season,

- MH


Something Tanuki

Happy Patreoniversary! I'm always stoked when the Patreon notification ticker lights up with a new post of yours. :P Here's to 100!


Thank you! And thanks for being along for the ride, it's always lovely to get your thoughts on alts and polls ( and not just because they're always so complimentary ;p )