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Hey everybody. As you've noticed we've been struggling a bit with the volume of rewards. It's been building up for the last few years. People would ask to switch tiers from a higher one, we'd add one and then someone else would immediately snag the spot we were meaning to cut down. All of our initial tiers have doubled in size and it's been putting us further and further behind on our backlog. Obviously this isn't really sustainable.

In the next few months we plan to restructure the 50 and 200 tier, which'd mean getting rid of them. Now we will one hundred percent finish all owed rewards and also finish off any cycles that were just started, but this is advance notice. We're currently figuring out how rewards will be in the future. 20's will remain, but we will be announcing a new kind of reward soon. Currently we're deciding if we do one tier that's just

a full spread replaces $200

And a separate tier for a 5 months pin ups that replaces $50

[image credit: Chadtow]

We're currently trying to figure out pricing and amounts, so we'd like to talk with you the patrons on what'd be fair and keep you all updated. I'll respond on here and I know Charoset will be on discord to discuss details as well.

We don't want to spring this on you all at once so this is a few months of advance notice to help us figure things out. Our current pace just isn't sustainable. Thank you again for all the support and we promise to get caught up and make sure everything owed gets completed. You're all amazing and I hope we can continue to make good art for the coming future, just at a healthier pace. Thank you for understanding.


Star Journeyfriend

I think that format is a great idea! You and your team definitely deserve to take a breather from what I can only imagine is an extremely stressful situation, so I personally wouldn't mind if you eliminated those tiers as soon as next month or April so that you can catch up quicker and not worry about those tiers moving forward. Go team Meow! Whatever you decide, your fans are behind you :)


thankfully i think you can at least unlist the $50 and $200 tiers so that new people can't sign up for them but the people still in them are fine to stay where they are while you phase them out; i know that's a thing one of the other patreons i'm in has done at least