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there are a lot of opinions about this ai drawing. Personally I find it very fun to see them recreate my scenes (some of them are very bizarre).  I thought I might as well share amusing results with you guys. What do you guys think though? There are scenes that I wish I had the skills I have now but I won't be able to go back and retouch them at all because of time constraint. I thought this might be a good opportunity to let them work on it  but let me hear your thoughts. and No, this will never replace my drawings, they are purely only recreating old works such as full reveals.



I wish I had some cash to buy an AI art thing!

Jordan P

Meh, I don't mind either way. Do whatever you want, especially if it inspires your creativity. Though it's always funny how AI screws up some basic things.


There are a few of them that are free and open source. Just takes a bit of work to learn how to get them set up

Star Journeyfriend

If you want to remaster your work via an AI and that makes you happy, sure! It would never be the same as work done by the real Meow, though! I don't want you to feel like you have to do remasters at all, or owe us anything in that regard. We're here to support your artwork and whatever you choose to do, Meow! 😎✌️


I'm interested in seeing the results :D


As an occasional thing, sure. Just not all the time. Plus it'd be fun to see some of the more bizarre results as well as the AI touch-ups to old drawings.


My colorist has an account, shelend it to me and im just borrowing hers for the time being.

Daniel Thomas Stack

As long as your having fun with it I'm for it. I just hope the AI can get creative with Kit without making Ami Jealous ;) ooh AI becomes real from Ami's revenge. New digital Pinocchio only less masculine.


I have no idea what's going on, but engaging a zany ai to your work sounds like something Amy would love!

Robert Louis Stoll

I'm against any advancement of this "tool." I trust you'd not abuse it, but it's perpetuating software that seeks to undermine human art, steals from unsuspecting artists, and has the potential to even put professional designers out of work. IF you go through with this, at the very least mark which ones are AI so I can skip them. If they end up outweighing your ACTUAL art in terms of quantity, then I will have no qualms dropping my support.


I have a lot of problems with the proliferation of AI art, but the biggest for me personally is that by design, it encourages making art seem "disposable". It's a regurgitation of someone else's artistic talents to churn out what algorithms think is a serviceable thing for no risk and no personal value. It may be functional in that regard! but that's not a purview I wish you or anyone else's art to boil down to. People in the world already seriously undervalue drawing and creation as a form of labor and are quick to devalue artists whenever they can, I REALLY dislike the ultimate mission goal of making them even more useless beyond a source to steal from for a cold simulacrum of what they do as honest workers. Your art is special -- treat it as such; don't treat those uncanny valley robot paintjobs as worthy peers to what you craft.


wow some of u guys are very much against it. I really appreciate these comments and view points. When I was going to post it, I was only thinking 'oh look 3 legged Amy, that is so weird' 😂😂😂


I would love to see some results, Just don't overdo it in quantity seems like a good remark. I am not sure how exactly you use it. But having played with Stable Diffusion myself i could help in case of questions or even train a model on your art. (I would never publish that model! and still think it will never replace real human art. But for sure it can give some interesting "what if" results or even a bit odd looking transformation animations)


Hello Meow which AI server did you use for this art. 😁


I'm curious what kind of text did you type to get result that look so close to your art ? If you can share an example of prompt, I would be quite interested. It's just personal curiosity, I'm dumbfounded how a wall of text can create a picture with such fine style.