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I let ai draw my pictures...and I cried.



Cooper Maxwell

These are weird times we live in

Star Journeyfriend

Insane technology! Nothing will ever beat the real touch of an artist and the emotion and effort put into the work, though :)


I very much agree, but I think this opens alot of path for writers who doesnt have much time for drawing as well


The one of Kit looks like the ai just found a similar drawing online and used that, it doesn't even look like Kit. Looks like even ai can be lazy. Also Meow you have improved so much since you started. Don't feel down. Noone or thing can replace you.


haha thank you, I know I rather use my own drawing but this is just really funny to see xD


Just realized that the veil became bat wings in the ai version and the ai made her breasts 3 times bigger. Man that is one pervy ai. She looks like she is horny instead of surprised.


It’s a two edged sword really. Perhaps some will think this will devalue an artists talent. However I’ve already seen discussions where this wonderful point was brought up: The AI can only draw from things that have been drawn many times and does not handle specific details well at all. Adding to that should the AI even overcome that, the AI in and of itself is not creative. It needs an creative person to effectively use it. To finish this long comment of mine: I think there will now be a short wave of AI art now from all weebs who fancy to use it. But it will quiet down again (not go away mind you). However I’m sure many will realize original art will always have an element, a human touch if you will, that cannot be copied. Thanks for coming to my TED talk. :)


I don’t feel the love and effort from these AI ones sadly


I'm actually planning on setting up an ai to help me draw a D&D web comic next month. I've no talent for drawing myself but I'm full of ideas and this will let me share them. Which ai did you use for these? Also I wouldn't feel bad, your art work is fantastic :)


I feel like the AI has certain priorities in mind looking at them. In any case, I like both and very much appreciate your artwork.


Yeah, the AI art is pretty enough, but it’s also soulless, and honestly just putting random pieces of art together.




I support where I can, just don’t lose yourself Meow 😎 stay cool, lol


I think that the idea that A.I. art will devalue artists is similar to the argument 200 years ago that the newfangled invention of photography would destroy the value of portraits and landscape paintings due to being more "realistic" than human hands could draw.

TG Looking

want to see a complete episode of eroge fantasy vol 5...