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I wont be updating on 13, 14 and 15 of April! It is the New Year in my country [the Water Festival, Songkran] , and we celebrate by splashing water at each other! :D I will be traveling to the countryside to visit my oldies, and sadly there is no wifi in the mountains. ._. so happy new year from Thailand to y'all! :D

[so if you want an excuse to splash water at your mates, this is it!]



You better post pictures from the festival for those who dont know anything about it, it sounds fun!


Does that mean one last H2B post before you go? Ehehe I wish you a HAPPY New Year! Have fun


Hope you have fun! ^w^ Tell us about it!


Have a happy vacation, wear a nice one piece swimsuit outside so that you don't make a mess of your dresses c: