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today I had a 1 on 1 class with a kid who is diagnosed with autistic. if you guys dont know about me, I am a part-time teacher at some random day-care school in Asia. Anyhow, today we had an autistic kid who came to apply for a class and apparently no teacher wanted to teach him. me, as a part-time teacher, was the last option they came to. I said of course i will teach him, without hesitations, only to know later today that everybody declined. i thought it was very sad to know that my colleagues favor students who are 'normal' rather than students who need help. :T meow is pissed.



That's depressing to hear. You are awesome!!!


I would be depressed too because I have autism sure it's not severe but I still have it.


That is extremely sad. :( IN another life, I was a teacher too and specialized in autism. :(

Robert Louis Stoll

It takes a special kind of person. I tend to attract autistic people (no, seriously, all my life I've attracted people who were diagnosed on the spectrum) and it can be difficult. Rewarding, but lets just say when you have to play referee at restaurant between two autists whose condition don't always gel naturally you can kind of understand why people might not want to deal with that kind of thing.

Robert Louis Stoll

Still, that being said, it is rewarding and good on you for doing it. Not everyone can, or even should, so to be someone people in need can turn to is great


Well all I can say with Autistic kids (being one myself I know this has a work on majority), use something they like to help keep them calm and/or reigned in. Preferably music. Autism is separated in levels and categories, try to find out which one the child belongs. I belong to Aspburgers. It'll help you be able to best plan to work with the kid.


Same -w- i hate it when people degrade me or my friends for having autism. I'm glad you are lending a hand with them :3 You're a great person ^^


You have a good heart, Meow.


Good on you for being the better person.


As a teacher it's your duty to teach anyone who come's though your door regardless with there be diagnosed with autistica, dyslexic or any mental problems you should help to best of you can do not saying "No teaching this person is to hard I can't be ask." I know autistic kids can be hard to teach but that no reason to give up.


I am a teacher myself! I'm glad you are willing to help. Special needs students are wonderful people who need love too!


I honestly can't blame them, if they feel unable to teach the child, I wouldn't want them teaching the child. however still, they are jerks.


i see nothing wrong with him though, he just speaks out his mind often lol


Wow, that horrible. As a person who has autism (though high functioning) I find it insulting that no one else gave him a chance.