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so yesterday I posted Strange Records 2.2 pages on DA and it got removed and I've received a strike from DA staff. I think I am getting close to getting permanently ban on that website. I kindda freaked out and today after work, I have been working on my own website on Wix. Theres alot of things to learn on it so I hope I can get it working by next month. *finger cross



I hope things work out sweetie

Jarrod Cummings

Their enforcement is really all over the place and targets a lot of people who aren't actually breaking the rules. I hope things work out for you.


Sometimes I feel all tf artists just need to jump ship on DA at this point. So many tf artists I follow use other sites to post the full uncensored version of their stuff, it's getting to tireing


Damn DA. This is getting f**king annoying. I have seen your art work at DA and none of it is breaking their so called rules. Hell, I have seen TG artist original art work get banned for copyright issues even though they came up with the characters.


Wait... WHAT?!?! What did you do wrong?


that's crappy, you definitely haven't violated any rules that i know of. I can see if you forgot to tag some of your stuff as mature but still :/ One thing you may want to do is get a furaffinity account going, since there's a lot of crossover there. Then even if you do have continued problems with DA a majority of people will still be able to find you easily enough c:


I'd definitely recommend checking out Pixiv as an additional place to post your stuff. The site can be used in English these days, and its feature set is just as robust as DA. Plus they don't have shitball mods who hand out strikes like candy for no reason. Be sure to get multiple alternatives set up now, and announce them on DA, so that when DA's mods inevitably and unjustly fuck you over (that's all they're good at), your followers will already know where to go to find you.

Alex Fellman

Furaffinity is a good idea. Your own website might be a valuable asset, too.

Himeko Takahashi

Everything is going Disney as of late. IGP got in trouble for saying hell hound when speaking about a creature in the game on youtube. They demonetized his videos. I can't even monetize my own cause I cursed once. So ya its rediculous... Demolition man is really happening.