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so yesterday, my school had a celebration at the tallest tower in the country. its called the Baiyok tower II. we went there and had this amazing chinese buffet and great view from the highest floor. After that, I went to hang out with my friend who was my classmate back in India when I was 4th grade. we hanged out till like 3-4 am then i head back home.

[this is where shit get real]
on my way home, i was on a taxi. we had a good conver and i told him i had a long day so imma sleep please wake me up when we reach the village. surely enough he did. but when I woke up, there was fire. like literally shit were on fire. I woke up to a scene in front of my village, this huge ass 10 wheels truck knocked over 3 electrical poles and it caused the entire village to have power shortage. whats worse is that he blocked the entrance to the village, and no one can get in and get out. 3 miles from where the truck crashed, there was another crash at U-turn. and fire was spreading ON THE FUKING ROAD. [its like a ghost rider just drove passed, and left a trail of fire] police were everywhere helping civilians and etc.

so after awhile, things calmed down. I climbed over the truck [lol] to enter the vilalge, then walk to my house. it was a 20 min walk in PITCH black. every house had no electricity. and when I got home, my sister didnt leave a key for me to enter the house. so...i ended up sleeping on the street for the night :T

the end.
p.s. be nice to homeless, now I know how it feels...



How are you now? Did you recover?


im okay now, i got inside when my neighbor woke up [hes my cousin, he has a spare key] but i had alot of mosquito bites so hopfulyl i didnt get malaria lol


Alright. Good. Get yourself together. I'll be waiting for more transformations. Yours have been great, btw! Keep up the great work!