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I am trying to create a middle space other than Deviantart for peopel to easily access my content. I do want not want to use Wix and pay for the domain because I did it in the past and it gets costly and nobody really visited the site. is there any free space for me to host my contents?


Robert Louis Stoll

There's a few places you can go for online storage like that actually. Dropbox is a great place for that that'll give you 2 GB free to start with and you can increase that amount 500 MB per person you "refer" (convince to use your link to sign up with anyhow) up to 16 GBs of data. Beyond that looks like they have cheap business plans as well.

Robert Louis Stoll

Other options I've seen used well are Google Drive which gives you a whoping 17 GB free (mind you, shared over all of google services; I'd set up a separate account or at least use a professional one to protect privacy) or Box (which isn't free, but for 5 bucks provided you are the only user uploading files gives you 100 GB.)

Rafa Gutierrez

Why you not use Google Drive? Is the best option from my opinion. Dropbox is very restricted about sizes.


You could try MediaFire. I've had an account with them for ages for sharing individual files with people. Another possibility is Box, which is a direct DropBox competitor, but gives a lot more space for free accounts.


theres gotta be a site where i can just turn it into a manga-reading site lol


Drop Box is great because a simple $9.99 subscription gives you 1 TB of storage and you can share entire folders worth of stuff. Google Drive has the same setup but give a discount option by paying annually instead of monthly. Paying Annually you get a 7% discount and only pay $99.99 for the full year instead of the $119.88 the monthly would cost.


If you have the Subscription to either of these the file size limits are removed. In my opinion I actually like Google Drive better, because when the file is shared with someone they can save a copy to their own Google Drive that will auto update anytime you update the file.

Alex Fellman

A lot of people use pixiv.


drop box is genial


I suggest google drive


Google Drive is the best choice since you can set it up where people don't need to asked for permission and to where people have to ask for permission before they can access your files.