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So it wasnt just me who agreed that the new patreon system is just a new way for them to suck more money out of both the creators and the patrons. i think its unfair and i think everyone should send an email to Patreon to let them know that this isnt working for both parties.



Now, to donate 3$, I'm paying 4,32$. I have to pay VAT over the patreon fee!! AND! The patreon fee is on top of the whole value (there's where they get the extra cut). When I donated 3$, the patreon cut was over the remaining 3$ that would end up with you. Now, the patreon cut is over the whole 3$ value! AND! I have to pay VAT over that! *25% fat VAT*!!!


i think its unfair and im all about satisfaction and fairness. imma write an email to patreon even if they dont listen. and i think we all should. theres 175-ish patreons on my channel, at least they will read 1.


You can also tweet @JackConte, which is the Patreon CEO's twitter account. Get the word out that we won't stand for this!


They are forcefully making it all about the money for the people who create things. Patreon Creators are not big businesses. They want their patrons to be absolutely satisfied and it doesn't matter that there is a percentage of the money taken out of their total they get from pledges due to fees. As long as their patrons are satisfied and enjoying the content they have pledged for, that is what matters.

Nichole O'Conner

I don't think they're going to change it unfortunately, but oh well. I'll still give the same pledge.


Its possible a new competitor more suited for people that receive funding from smaller donations will appear so keep your eyes open for it. I know among the web artiest community in the states there are a lot of people upset and looking for a better alternative right now. Patreon has stated that they essentially want to shift their users to almost exclusively be people who are entirely funded by large individual monthly contributions.