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so because I got a full time job, I am super exhausted by the time i get home and sometimes i cant even hold a pen. I go to bed everyday missing making comic, so im quitting my job in 5 months. but right now, i gotta find a way to make comic during my 4 hours of commute to work. I'm planning to get an ipad and make rough pages on it, then get home and clean them on computer. anyone know a good app on istore that lets you draw as well as Sai tool or photoshop?



I know a lot of artists use Autodesk Sketchbook <a href="https://www.sketchbook.com/ios" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.sketchbook.com/ios</a> I honestly can't vouch for it myself, but it could be worth a shot!


Comic Draw might be worth looking at - especially if you have a newer iPad with pressure sensitivity. <a href="https://plasq.com/apps/comicdraw/ios/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://plasq.com/apps/comicdraw/ios/</a> You can make an entire comic with it! :)


Also Procreate <a href="http://procreate.art/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://procreate.art/</a> just for drawing