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Just a short story this time!


'How is this girl so impossibly...thicc?'

It was amazing that a thought like that was coming from a woman like Sam. She herself was certainly above average in curvaceousness--an overall soft figure, ample hips, and huge H-cup breasts the size of her face.

But she felt positively willowy next to the outrageousness that was Lauren.

"We're ready to order~" said the overly-developed teenager, her arm resting on the table and heaving up her monstrous rack that dwarfed even Sam's massive melons.

As Lauren waved for a waiter, everything jiggled. Her fleshy arm, her titanic tits (which Sam could see overflowing her bra cups through her tight top), and her hips overflowing the chair.

Heck she could hear the chair creak under the big girl as she shifted in her seat, the chair’s thin arms digging into Lauren’s overly abundant hips. Lauren’s behind was so big that it rose up more than half of the backrest, and ate up so much space it pushed Lauren to the edge of her seat. Sam doubted the girl could even lean back against the backrest, her ass was so fat.

A little later, they were enjoying their dessert (well, the first of her desserts in Lauren’s case).


Lauren’s giant jugs smacked onto the table heavily, shaking it a little, as she prepared to enjoy her bowl of ice cream. Sam marvelled at how much space they took up on the table, but Lauren seemed used to their size.

Or not.

“Ugh, I can’t get a nice photo of my snack” she pouted, aiming her phone at her ice cream but having it blocked by her own bulging cleavage.

Sam sighed. “I got it Laur…”

She snapped a photo of the ice cream, with the background dominated by Lauren’s titanic tits resting on the table heavily, cleavage welling out her top.

That was going to get a lot of likes.



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