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Part 2 will be available, if all goes well, on Saturday or even before depending on my workload.

Following this update, I will continue to work on the game mechanics, as well as on the progression of the story of certain characters.

New interactions, as well as the rework of certain areas, will also be relevant.

As always, in case of problems, bugs or suggestions, you can contact me both by private message and by comment, it makes me happy and allows me to improve the game.




Ahh! Legit excited~ thank you for all your hard work thus far. (Hope you’re still having fun with it despite the workload~) <3


I love to work on ARSJ, It allows the little story I wrote some time ago to not just be forgotten in my papers, but to have become something. Even if sometimes development is annoying with bugs and problems 😂, but it's part of learning to code, and allows me to improve the game (or even add new features), as well as improve my level of written English.