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The cubes themselves would become advanced sensor arrays that would be the beginning of my own galactic sensor network that I intended to seed the alpha quadrant with. I had been inspired by the Dominion, who during the war built a massive sensor array that gave them a tremendous tactical advantage. Where they went single and huge, I went small and numerous.

It would be a powerful sensor network that paid little heed to national borders, and one that I alone controlled. I had used the same construction technology that had built the FT, to build these sensor arrays back on the island and had beamed them into the FT’s transporter buffers before we’d left Bajor. Taking inspiration from the Husnock, as we traveled, I would drop these sensor arrays along our journey.


Sensor array

A sensor array was a device in which a group of sensors were combined; an example was the forward sensor array on Galaxy-class starships. Subprocessors were part of a sensor array. (TNG: "The Game") In April 2151, when observing Enterprise NX-01, Captain Jonathan Archer was eager to get a look at her lateral sensor array.


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