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In this post I'll show some of the things that will be included in the next "Monster Love Hotel" patreon update ^_^

This update will be sent out to everyone who has or makes a $5+ pledge for January, and have a successful transaction for said pledge in the beginning of February. As before, the link and new cheat codes for the game will be sent out by PM around the 5th.




Anyone get access yet?


I will send the link to the update by PM in a few hours from now ^_^ Edit: I'm struggling with some bugs, hopefully I'll be able to solve them soon... Edit again: whew, finally figured it out ^_^. I'll upload the game to the new area soon, and will send everyone with a successful pledge from January a PM with the link!


Out of curiosity, is Akina supposed to show up in the gallery mode as well?


No, Akina's two "preview" animations are currently only available when you approach her. However, I'm aiming to have the full Akina sex battle finished for the next update! ^_^


My game gets stuck at the calix brothel scene when I try to hit cum it dosen't work


nvm it worked