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As mentioned earlier, I'm going to run some polls regarding suggestions I've received and new features and stuff. I'm starting off with a poll for the suggestion I've received most frequently, regarding the monsterboys and monstergirls taking damage in battle when using their own "fuck" attacks (currently, only Erwan and Golda takes damage when using their "fuck" attacks).


Would you like that the monstergirls and monsterboys also take damage during the battles when using their own attacks? (Currently, their attacks only deals damage to Erwan and Golda).



Damn.. tricky.. personally? Option 3: should take damage but only when it makes sense. No all 'attacks' might do damage to both, where some might.


I guess I should specify that it's for the "fuck" attacks (not the "play" attacks where Erwan and Golda doesn't take any damage either) ^_^


yep, I did guess that, but yeah. come to think of it that pretty much does deal with it cause basically all fuck attacks are penetration, so there should be some enjoyment both sides, where as play ... well, isn't always just for the enjoyment of one, but does less harm ^_^ I've kinda always been of the view that if your partner isn't also enjoying it, you are doing it wrong (basic rules of 'never do anything your partner doesn't want to do, sure you can take them a bit out of comfort, but not if they really don't want to do it) etc..


They shoul take damage when Golda and Erwan are way higher level than monsterboy/girl


Agree with this guy but maybe not way higher. If Golda/Erwin are equal/higher level than the monster then yeah both sides should take damage during "Fuck" attacks


Maybe if you add an easy mode, otherwise I'd say leave them as they are.


Do you have any set date on when the next update may come out?