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 Hello everyone. First off I want to say thank you to all of the people who've bought my comics over the last few months. I've been working hard on these and with that extra money my wife and I are looking to relocate the base of JT Comic to a small city where, with a little luck, we'll be able to crank out even more work.   

 I also want to make a quick note about the quality of the comics. As most of you have noted my work looks different than it used to even a few months ago. I've found a new render engine to create my work and with a little photoshop I couldn't be more pleased with the result. There is always more improvement to go, but I think this is a solid first step.   

 This Months comic “X's are X's” Will be the first real comic that we can see the true dynamic between Lexi and her new girlfriend Sami (or CiCi). I won't give to much away, but more or less Lexi has a run in with an ex-boyfriend and his drama at a time when Lexi is just starting to get back on her feet. It's a fun comic with some very satisfying just desserts, and I think everyone will enjoy it. The comic will come out page by page this weekend for my Patrons at https://www.patreon.com/JTVoreComics and on my E-junkie account at https://jtsexylexi.e-junkie.com/ the following weekend. Look for it then 

 I recently purposed a change in the rewards my Patreon would be and received an overwhelmingly positive response. So, effective this month My Patreon rewards are going to be changed to the following.   

 2$ Tier – Voting rights and access to all exclusive content, WIP's and Patreon only teasers 

 5$ Tier – 2$ Rewards plus first access to the Monthly comic   

 10$ Tier – 5$ Rewards plus access to the “Monthly Model” This is a girl who the fans have voted on and will see her in a variety of vorish and non-vorish poses and outfits throughout the month. This is a request driven project so any Patron with access to this level has the right to make requests. I will do my best to for fill any request I am given before the month is up. 

 20$ Tier – 10$ Tier rewards plus access to the “Choose your way” Comic. This will be an ongoing comic until it reaches an eventually conclusion. It'll be 3-4 pages a month of strictly voter based direction.   

 50$ Tier – The highest level receives 20$ Rewards and a free private commission every month 

 So yes, here they are. Effective this month.   
 I've been working on several projects and while my outside life has been crazy busy to say the least but for right now here is a look at my current workload.   

  Private commission Code name “Chan” (No this does not mean I am taking commission, this is a long standing patron of mine)   

November Monthly comic “Celebrity Voreaphille” featuring Scarlett Johanssen 

The start of the new Choose your Path Comic Serleena “The Light Leaves the Earth” comic. This will be a comic going up for sale on my E-junkie shop 

Working on pilots for 3 new characters. Andriod 218, Dem, and Emma

 Very busy indeed. Hope everyone is excited. If you have any suggestions and or questions please feel free to comment or message me. I love hearing feedback 


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