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Hello Everyone! Happy middle of the month! This is the day most Im sure are looking forward to. Another page of Gut Trouble and the results of the poll! I posted this poll on both Patreon and DA! The votes were close on all however here are the results!

VDSM - 32 votes

Lexi in the court - 47 votes

Serleena in the Park - 53 Votes!

So the winner and the comic that will appear on Patreon for all is Serleena!

Dont forget to stay posted for all new content, exclusive peaks at the upcoming june comic and more!

Feel free to drop me a message, comment or anything with suggestions, ideas, comments, etc. I appericate hearing from people



Just wondering, how will the free comic for Patrons work in the future? Is the free comic for the 20 dollar tier one of their choice or yours?


Its been my choice latley because while ive contacted many of my 20$ patrins, only 2 reply