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Having separated accounts makes much more sense for people that are at the same time holding tokens long term and running bots. 

You need to be able to track P/L separately, otherwise how can you tell how profitable are your bots or your holdings?

It's very easy to request, it took me 5 minutes.

How to request to access a subaccount on binance:

1) head to https://binance.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

2) Fill the form using the following information:

Using the account is very simple but you can only access your subaccount on desktop or via any app that connects via API with Binance like (3commas, CoinStats, etc):


I personally created the API keys for the new sub account and added it to my CoinStat app which I have installed on Android, iPhone and Mac Desktop. 

Their widget shows me the total of all accounts at the same time, which simplifies my frequents checks :) 



Omg. I didn't even know you could do this T_T So you would set up a sub-account linked to Binance like "3commas Binance" or something. You can make dual account on cointracking too. But I think the number of transactions would kill the transactions limit.


You can have many Binance sub accounts. Check the provided link in my Post to see how limits apply to sub accounts. 3commas can connect to all your Binance sub accounts via API key, similar to what you did with your main Binance account integration before


I see that that changed it now and not offering sub accounts or is it still on man?


I so need to get sub account but at the moment for VIP "0" its not allowed?


This option is no longer available.


^^ so what to do - do you open another separate account? Is that possible?


I just clicked on support link on main page from there I search for topic how to enable sub-account and open ticket that way. Now waiting for support team to come back to me.