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Chapter 34: The Hand (1)

"That was pretty cool, by the way. The speech, the comebacks, and the vibe of it all."

Greer said once Enrique gently dropped her in front of the villa.

It was still early morning, so the sun was still in the eastern sky. A gentle ray of the morning sun reflected on Enrique's suit, prompting it to shine like a gem.

When she spoke, his indifferent, handsome, yet heroic, face changed a little. It formed a small smile as he waved off her compliment.

However, Greer Nelson had more to say.

"But I can't help but worry. Never heard of this Emma Frost woman before, to be honest, but I did hear about the Frost International group." Tigra said while she crossed her arms. "This Emma is the CEO of that huge building, she is clearly big stuff. Was it wise to provoke her?"

Enrique thought for a while before answering her.

"Emma Frost is a dangerous woman. She's the type who can either be your friend or foe. I in particular, would have loved to befriend her. However, unfortunately, her personality in itself wouldn't allow her to work with or for me. She cannot bring herself to trust a person whom she cannot read the mind of at all."

"I see…"

Tigra slowly released her arms to hang beside her as she sighed.

"What do you think she'll do, Enrique? Will she really sell us out to the Hand?"

"Does that matter? You are scared of a group of mere Ninjas even after you fucked a superhero last night?" Enrique laughed, but she just glared at him. "....Alright, fine, they're not 'mere' Ninjas."

"Enrique, seriously, what'll we do if they come for me and Ava tonight?"

"We kill them." Enrique said nonchalantly. "We send them a warning. They'll listen."

Greer opened her mouth to retort, to remind him that he was a Superhero. But soon, she closed her mouth to not say that. She recalled what sort of conversion this man had just had with that Emma woman.

He threatened to kill children, and his face didn't even twitch a bit.

That's why, Greer asked him something else.

"...Why would they listen? To your threat, I mean."

Greer didn't buy his words, which made Enrique frown incredulously.

"You ask that because you don't know anything about them. That clan of Ninjas worship a magical, evil creature. The Beast, or Demon they call it. The clan does everything the creature wishes for them to do. Now if I make that evil little creature realise it's against a Goddess, it'd rather back off than take any chances."

Greer went a little flustered when Enrique said that.

"Ah, a G-Goddess? Don't call me that, you silly big goril-"

"I am talking about my mother, Mut." Enrique swiftly interrupted her. "The person whom that big Egyptian Goddess statute in my living room represents."


Greer's fluster vanished as her expression went rather dull and blank.

"I see. You should have been more clear."

As if the conversation had ended, Greer turned around and started to walk towards the villa.

"Huh? What?"

Greer didn't answer.

"What the fuck? Why are you leaving? I am not done talking, though? Hey!"

Enrique called, only to be left standing there in bafflement.

* * *

Murakami was one of the five fingers of the hand, one of the five leaders of this secret Ninja Clan.

Today was a surprising day for him; he got a call from none other than the White Queen of the Hellfire Club, the infamous mutant empress, Emma Frost.

He was admittedly more surprised when, in exchange for literally nothing, Emma sold the location of Tigra and White Tiger whom the Hand was after for the past few months.

Murakami understood that— for some reason, Emma wanted to harm these two tiger women.

Throughout the duration of the call, Murakami had realised that the one Emma Frost really wanted to harm was Enrique Nova instead.

Because it turned out that the two tiger women, Ava Ayala and Greer Nelson, were currently under the wing of the recent big bad Superhero, Supernova.

That's what he learned from that call, at the end of which Emma suggested the Hand attack Enrique's home exactly tonight. However, Emma wasn't who Murakami followed, so her suggestion didn't matter. She wasn't a part of the Hand.

Murakami rather hung up on her with the excuse that he'll have to talk with the other four fingers of the Hand.

If the decision did fall on Murakami himself, though, he would have taken the safest route. That route was, according to Murakami,  for the Hand to stay back from Ava and Greer. At least until they weren't under this admittedly powerful Supernova's protection.

However, sadly, it was not in Murakami's hands what decisions the clan would make.

The choice fell on the Beast—the Demon's whim.

To whom Murakami went on to report the whole ordeal.


"...I see,"

The round, blobby, frog-like demonic creature said after hearing the report, as Murakami kept his head touching the floor.

The room Murakami was currently inside was dark, with only a few candles close to the walls that lit it up.

As Murakami stayed bowed, a veil raised between him and the creature, the creature simply hummed in its throat—making disgusting sounds while it decided on the future of the entire Clan.

"...Attack tonight."

That was the order that Murakami soon nodded to.

It would be hard, he noted. From the lone clip of Supernova defeating Magneto, that much was clear. However, Murakami knew it wouldn't be impossible to bring him down.

The reason behind 'why even bother'?

Because the Beast—the Demon wanted its hands on the White Tiger Amulet that Ava possessed. That amulet, when brought together with the other body parts of the jade statue of the White Tiger, ushered great power upon the wielder.

* * *

A while later, Enrique and Greer were both inside the villa.

Greer was with the other two girls, occupying the couch in front of the Television, as the three of them chatted amongst themselves in clear nervousness.

In the back, as Enrique brewed himself a coffee, his Goddess Mut was busy enlightening him.

["Speaking of me and that 'Demon' twat,"] Mut spoke about the Beast that the Hand worships. ["Amongst his countless fake epithets, the one called "Jackal's Son" is actually correct. He is my great grandson's great-grandson, Anubis', bastard child."]


Enrique stopped brewing his coffee.

["You didn't know that?"]

"...I know of nothing, goddess," Enrique nodded. "I am glad you think so highly of me, but I barely know anything. Feel free to enlighten me with your knowledge any time you wish."

"This particular information would have been very useful against Emma Frost. But alas, you didn't tell me before." Enrique muttered a second later.

["Hmm, I see, apologies. You are after all a mortal in the end."] Mut hummed in understanding.

["Alright. From the next time, I will try to keep you in touch with things you are talking about."]

Mut said, ["Though if tonight the Hand ninjas really come attacking this place, I suggest you just defeat them. The things after that, I will take care of it. They won't bother you kids again, ever."]

After a short silence later, when Enrique nodded in understanding, Mut exclaimed quickly.

["Ah, right. In exchange for my gracious help, tell the two tiger girls to convert to Mutligion. Actually, just use your scumbag skills and threaten them, that you'll help them rid of the Hand once and for all if they promise to convert."]

"Scumbag skills?"

Enrique frowned at the air.

"What a rude term."

["But it's true."]

"Alright, fine. It's not a bad idea, too. Let me try persuading them. They still don't believe you are real, so it might be a bit hard."

As Goddess Mut hummed in elation, scumbag Nova slowly approached the three girls who were chattering in front of the playing TV.

* * *

Though the TV has been playing for ages, on the couch the three girls were not at all concentrating on the soap opera that was playing on the screen.

Even as a romantic scene was playing on the TV, the three of them were rather busy amongst themselves. They all looked somewhat nervous as Greer explained to them the situation.

"That witch-like woman suggested they'll come at night, if they do come," Greer said. "It's mid-noon, already. Not much time remains, so I suggest we don't sleep tonight."

"But hey, are they really that strong?" Anna asked. "Sorry, don't mean to make fun of your fear, but if they're barely stronger than normal humans, albeit highly trained, I am sure we can take them on."

"Anna, don't forget, they're Ninjas." Ava reminded. "They'll have crazy weapons on them. Also, they're the ones attacking us, in a normal house, while we are left to defend."

Ava said, "They'll surround us and then attack us from all directions. We are kinda strong, but none of us are invincible. Well, maybe Enrique is, but didn't Enrique himself claim he can't defeat them without good hand-to-hand training? It's been just a few days since Greer started his training, he's not ready yet."


"Why did he do such a stupid thing like provoking her, haah."

Ava sighed as she covered her face with both her hands.

"Perhaps should we just run?"

When Ava proposed that perhaps they should flee, Greer had opened her mouth to speak. But before anyone could speak, Enrique slipped into the conversation by standing right behind Anna and putting his arms around her neck.

"Hey girls, got a minute?"


All three of the girls screeched aloud, flinching, as they registered the person standing over them.

"Um, we weren't… we weren't planning to–"

Greer started to speak, recalling the conversation she had with him yesterday; about how he would abandon them if they left him on their own.

However, Enrique interrupted her without any care.

"The situation, as you all understand by now, is pretty dangerous. We might die." Enrique said. "But, if we survive this night, I can promise that this will be the last time the Hand would bother any of us. As long as you two, Ava and Greer, listen to what I have to say."

Both Ava and Greer's previous nervousness fumed out in thin air as their eyes shook.

"Listen to what exactly...?"

Their wide, expectant eyes, soon trembled with indecisive emotions as they started to reflect the wide smile on Enrique's face.





Ahmed Ayub

Will he retaliate against frost?