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Chapter 1 – Mha

Title: Reincarnation (1)


Within the vast Omniverse, a small cube sat in the centre of all existence, almost as if it was the centre itself.

Unlike the cube's small outlook, it contained an Omniverse bigger than the outside one inside it. These universes are called the 'Dream Worlds' – the verses that different higher beings from the Prime Omniverse created as a mere form of entertainment based on different fictions.

There’s a special place within the Cube – the 'Neutral Zone'.

The Neutral Zone. The entrance and the highest point of the Cube Omniverse. The place where all people from all the universes inside of the gigantic Cube Omniverse return to after death. Here, they are purified of their memories and experiences and sent to the same world they died in – though there are special cases, such as Isekai protagonists.

However, this is not an interesting procedure. The normal souls just get teleported here before they enter the 'Memory Purifying Wheel' and get their memories erased.

The interesting part is – sometimes, souls from the Prime Omniverse get swept in by luck and enter the Neutral Zone of this fictional Omniverse.

Today, such a thing has happened yet again.


Above the Neutral Zone, a 20 meter square room existed. The room had transparent walls and showed the entirety of the galaxies outside.

A person and a ball sat within the room. While the person was sitting in a chair, the ball was floating, looking around the room

'Is this really the afterlife? Kinda bland.' The round blue ball that was discharging and made out of light, a soul, 'thought' looking around the room.

Interestingly, the swept away souls from the Prime Omniverse usually maintain their consciousness even in this Neutral Zone, the thing closest to void, without any outside protection that isekai protagonists get.

The soul was confused. He couldn't recall his name but the person – a woman in front of him referred to him as 'Strange Subject 799', so he was doing the same for now.

'She said I died.' Subject 799 thought as he looked at the woman in front of him. 'I can't believe it –no. I guess I refuse to believe it…?'

Obviously, suddenly losing all your memories and a person telling you about your death and whatnot would throw anyone off the batch.

'"I am saying this for the umpteenth time, Mortal – you died."' Breaking his thoughts, the woman sitting on the chair said with a strangely vibrating voice.

"...I see."

Staring at the woman in front of him, 799's mind started to think more. 'Is all of this a hallucination? Maybe I hired a doctor to experiment on myself to see how I’d react if I lost my memories?'

Strangely enough, that reason sounded plausible to 799, he knew it was something he’d do. 'Though I don't think I have the money to hire one- wait.'

799 blinked. 'I know I don't have the money...? Was I poor in my life? But I don't recall a thing–!!' Bang!

Suddenly, he felt as if someone had shot him with a bullet filled with memories.

'Argh!' Broken fragments of memories started to flow in his head. He felt like vomiting, but his soul body didn't allow it.

'These memories...' He groaned internally, but from the outside, his soul looked completely normal so the woman in the room was unaware of his situation.

In a matter of seconds, the pain subsided. His mind became clearer as he blinked. 'Uh, so this is not some kind of experiment. Really?'

He had seemingly regained some of his memories, though it was unclear if these were even his memories or not. It was a strange feeling which subsided soon enough.

He observed his memories. Currently, his mind wasn't focused on the woman in front of him, not at all. And he was rather completely focused inside his consciousness. 'So… I was on a yacht, going to...' He furrowed his nonexistent eyebrows. 'I can't recall that. Why?’

After a short silence, he continued his thoughts. '...Anyways, I was on the deck. Then suddenly, after getting pushed by something, I started falling towards the sea. Something? What was that something?' He asked but found no answer? 'Anyway… Unfortunately, before anyone could even think of saving me, a shark jumped out of the water and ate me whole... For real?'

Since the memories felt like a movie, he couldn't be more unsure and question himself if this really happened until the voice of the woman made him aware of his current state.

'"So... now that we are clear that you’ve died, let this one ask you some questions."' The woman said and stared at 799 with an unshakable gaze–almost as if looking at a bug. ‘"Do you recall anything, Mortal?"’

She once again called out in that strangely vibrating and saturated voice of hers. She glanced at him with her chin resting on her left hand, as her elbow rested on the table beside her.

While 799 had noticed her call and even made eye contact with his non-existent eyes. His mind quickly lost focus as if he was on drugs and started to wander again.

'I- I really died. Possibly murdered.' 799 thought gloomily. ‘And I don’t fucking remember my life other than that.’

Meanwhile… the woman in front of him was silent. She had long red hair with pitch-black, pupil-less eyes, like some Devil straight out of a Supernatural movie. However, previously, she introduced herself as a Goddess instead. She had a book in front of her on the table, that her black eyes were locked on until she looked at 799.

She wondered why the mortal wasn't responding to her but couldn't reach a conclusion. She was never a mortal expert, after all. Her patience started to build as she started at the blue soul.

Meanwhile, 799 sighed internally. 'Let's not be gloomy anymore, there must be a reason why I am here.'

Some clarity returned to his mind as he started to observe the self-proclaimed 'Goddess' this time. 'Even with those awful eyes, she does look beautiful in that purple dress of hers.' 799 stared at the visible cleavage of the woman with red hair. 'Yet, I don't feel any attraction – No. It's because I am a soul, lacking the important parts.'

'"...Hello? I am talking to you."' Meanwhile, the Goddess’s eyebrows twisted as she glared at 799. ‘A mere mortal dares…’

Ignoring her as if he was deaf – suddenly, 799 frowned internally. 'If so, why do I have the memory of my death? I don't have a brain to store that memory, after all… Hmm, mysteries.'

“Excuse me…”

The young soul was so lost in his mind, his attention was so weak, that he didn't even realize the woman was calling for him. This was a backlash of the sudden appearance of his memories — currently, he was unable to focus on what was happening outside.

After a while, while maintaining eye contact with the woman, 799 decided to not think too much about it as he was reaching nowhere. 'This seems like it's out of a webnovel or something of that sort—!!'

He froze again. 'Wait, webnovel? I know what webnovels are?' Suddenly, his head hurt again. 'Ugh, this is worse than last time!'

With the feeling of a hammer hitting his head, 799 suddenly discovered a bunch of new memories in his head.

While the woman stared at his ball-body silently, letting anger build up in her eyes, 799 lost the bit of clarity he had gained and continued thinking in utter confusion. 'More memories, damn. Let’s see.

After inspecting his memories, he realized he could remember the things that weren’t related to 'Himself' – at least other than his death. He even had some memories where people with no faces were roaming around... 'In these memories, the faceless guy in the middle must be me, it's like a third-person perspective game.'

799 realized he might be in those situations from novels and fanfictions. The reincarnation troupe. Meeting a kind ROB who would grant you wishes and let you be reborn in a world of your choosing…? ‘So is this woman a Goddess, really?’ 799 thought as she finally regained full clarity and looked at the Goddess with clear vision. ‘She-’

Immediately, the woman in front of him threw her book into space and slammed the table. ['"MORTAL! THIS GREAT DEITY HAS ASKED YOU A QUESTION!!!"']

"Oh!" Soul 799's round-body shook in front of the 5-star goddess’ <True Voice>.

By then, the Goddess’ face had morphed into a monstrous look. Her black eyes grew in size and her mouth formed a maw filled with the spiky teeth of a beast.

The blue soul instinctively took a few 'steps' back, while cursing, 'Fuck, wasn't she supposed to be a Goddess?!'

He was right, but he was half-right. She was a Goddess, yes, but she was also half Yaksha. This mix of two pure bloodlines created the impure being – granting her an unscrupulous pride and temper that other Gods hated her for. Still, being the daughter of The Primordial God, she was free to do anything she wanted – well, most things.

['"ANSWER!"'] A red aura burst from her body.

Gulping internally, he looked directly at her eyes. His body moved automatically to be precise. "Yes... yes, I don't recall anything."

He planned to be honest at first, but after seeing her attitude, he changed his mind instinctively. When a person treats someone harshly without any particular reason, they can’t really be truthful with the other party.

While 799 had lied instinctively, he immediately regretted it. He thought, 'But she should be able to read my mind since she is a Goddess right? Or maybe it has something to do with this room in the middle of nowhere? She did say this was a special place at the beginning...'

Indeed, he was right. In the Neutral Zone, the Gods are severely weakened. Anyone other than The Primordial God would take permanent injury if they were to read a mortal soul’s mind here. Though 799 could only guess, thus wasn’t sure about that fact.

After a few seconds of waiting, 799 discovered that she couldn’t read his mind, if she could she would have yelled at him like last time.

The woman's eyes and mouth went back to normal as she sat back down with a calm face. '"Hmm, I can sense some memories in you, but they aren't everything you are supposed to have. So, technically you lied."'

...799 felt his imaginary body pale.

After a short moment of silence, the woman yelled as she got up from her chair and slammed her hand at the table. '"Dammit, I only had  5 more millennia until my punishment would be over, so why did another soul have to come here AGAIN!? I need to do so much work after this!"'

The woman started throwing a tantrum, but not long after she sighed and sat back down. To 799, she looked like a spoiled brat that had been put on house arrest by her parents.

'"Anyway, you lied to me just now." The woman glared at 799. "Or maybe you were confused...? Whatever."' The Goddess said. She has been doing this for millennials. Many souls have lied to her before – so she wasn’t surprised nor shocked to see that he lied to her. ‘Besides, it's a hassle to punish him. Today is your lucky day, mortal.’

799 stayed silent hearing her. 'Okay, now it's 100% certain that she can’t read my mind. I was only speculating before, but now I know for a fact she can’t. But she somehow knows I lied… what now?’

The woman released a fake cough and picked up the book from the table. '"Ahem – although you were supposed to go to hell since according to the–” she paused briefly before continuing. “[Akashic Record – Rule no 34], you’re a lucky case to have won a ‘Token of Roll’ since you were able to reach The Cube’s Neutral Zone and even maintain some of your memories after going through the purifying wheel. According to the rules, you get a chance to spin the [Fate’s Roulette].”

"Fate what?" 799 asked, fearing this might be his punishment for lying–but a few seconds later he realised what she meant. 'Damn boy, it's like in fanfics…!'

The woman sighed and shook her head. '"It’s Fate's Roulette. It's like that rolling device you see in casinos, special cases like you get a chance at spinning the wheel. Basically, your fate will be decided by it. You will receive a special Power or Item from it. You can get any type of power that has, is, and would exist in time. Many of the powers that you think are ‘fictional’ are included as well. Though I do suggest, you better pray that you don't get too lucky.”’

Though confused at her last sentence, 799's eyes arched up slightly hearing her. He already knew this troupe. 'So, doesn't this mean I almost fucked up by lying? I would have missed the chance to reincarnate and rather would have ended up in hell if she believed my lies.'

Gasping internally at that thought, thinking of the unknown scenario and the word 'Hell', he shook his head internally.

'"You will get reincarnated in a world, whether ‘fictional’ or non-fictional, after spinning the [World Roulette]. Oh, you will also lose the small portion of memories you possess."’ 799 raised his ball-finger instantly. '"And, that can't be negotiated. The prime souls before you have a bad history so memory erasure is a must.”

She continued. '"Take strange subject no-97 for example. After getting a very powerful ability, five thousand years later, he killed one of my kin — and if he didn't have his memories, he would have died early and my kin wouldn't have ever died. And this is nothing compared to subject no-1, wait, I’m not supposed to tell you this!"'

799 silently stared at her face. 'So, Gods aren't as dangerous as I thought they were, huh. This one is like a child in an adult's body.'

He sighed the next second. 'Anyways, this is bad either way.'

If he loses his memories, then what's the point?

'I need to think of a way to keep my memories. If I somehow get into a world like naruto without knowledge, then I’d fuck up real bad.’



While subject 799 was thinking of ways to keep his memories, the transparent walls of the room shattered like glass, after that a massive roulette wheel appeared on the opposite side of the room. ‘Massive…’

By massive, 799 meant as big as a Planet. Or at least that's how it looked to him.

While 799 looked at the roulette agape, from the border’s of the broken room, still sitting in their chair, was the woman. She yawned. ‘“Alright, now spin the wheel, just think of spinning it and it will spin itself, simple right?”'

Still not understanding why all these things were happening, 799 went into deep thought. Thanks to the small portion of memory he had recovered, he knew that intelligent beings won’t do things without benefit.

The memory-erasing gesture made her actions more suspicious.

From that fact alone he knew something wasn’t right, he was trying to look for a reason behind her generous action.

‘Rule no-34, is there any detail on this rule that I missed?’ Without reaching an answer to his question, he decided to put these thoughts aside for now.

Then nodding his head, he gave a mental command for the roulette to spin, and Just as the woman had said, the wheel started to spin fast… very fast.

The speed was so fast that 799 felt that he might get sucked into the roulette because of its circling motion, though fortunately, there was no suction force pulling him, since they were in an empty space, the wind wasn’t a thing here.

While the down arrow-hand ['↓'] of the roulette was calm, pointing below, the whole wheel was spinning fast, clockwise.

It kept spinning for minutes, or hours maybe? 799 lost the track of time... Meanwhile, the woman had already gone back to her seat and was seemingly chatting with a person in her small smartphone-like device with a small smile on her face.

'What type of Goddess is she?' 799 questioned himself. 'Anyways, the wheel is about to stop.'

The arrow passed the → 'Demon Bloodline'

Then the → 'Geass Eyes'

Then → 'Grandmist Body'

This caused 799 to tighten up a bit. ‘I missed some good stuff.’

→ 'Kryptonian Body'

→ 'Madara Uchiha's Powers'

There were also some random names that 799 never knew, fortunately, or maybe, unfortunately, they were also missed.

He was happy sometimes seeing some names like, → 'Goblin Shoujo Protagonist Aura' getting missed as well.

Minutes later, at a slow speed, he noticed names like → 'God-King Transformation', → 'Author's Authority', and even that, → 'The Gamer System'.

He was a bit hesitant on the choices, hoping for either, 'Author's Authority' or 'Gamer System'.

'The first one is instant OP, while the latter has limitless potential. Well, I would choose the Author's Authority if given the chance.' he thought with a nod.

Another few minutes passed and the wheel slowed down.


Minutes passed by and the wheel was about to stop spinning, the hand had already passed → 'Author's Authority' long ago, so 799 was setting all his luck at the Gamer System...

There were some OP-looking things like → 'All-Father Bloodline' and many more, but he still preferred this as none held a candle to it.

'That goddess is also paying attention right now...' 799 thought as he looked at the self-proclaimed Goddess. 'Damn, she has a pretty deep frown looking at the Gamer System name. Is it bad if I get that? She did say to "not get too lucky" or something like that...'

→ 'Forbidden Fruit'

Passing this artefact, the roulette was about to stop at → '4 Elemental Powers'.

799 became heated. 'Even though the Gamer System was just after this...'

Gnashing his nonexistent teeth, 799 closed his eyes, hoping for a miracle at the last second.

The last thing he saw was the arrow hand pointing at the → '4 Element Powers'

Soon, a *Click* sound resounded in the space.

'"FUCK NO!"' and the Goddess yelled.

Slowly opening his eyes after hearing the Woman's scream, 799's eyes arched upwards with his lips doing the same.


→ ★'The Gamer System'★ ←

Music resounded all around as the round soul jumped in joy.




Edited by - @Really Nigga, @Shortmotor @Glassman @Athanasios @Lasagna



Okay 👌Lmk on your final decision


Lol XD