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Hi all, I hope you are having a great July so far!

My apologies for the lateness of things (again). Sandra and I have been working non-stop on getting everything ready for Pennsic War (see previous posts) and there has not been one minute of extra time lately. But more on that in a moment.

First, rewards!

Since it is Julycanthropy, the gift tiers will be getting the adorable Werwuffie as a glittery key chain (if you backed the Wuffies Pin campaign and are already getting one of these, please let me know and I will see what else I can give you).

The 5 X 7 mini print is a detail from "Interloper" with a good snarly boi Kierrn <3

If you are not on one of the gift or mini print tiers, you have until the end of the month to join one or upgrade your pledge to get these great rewards!

Again, my apologies on the delays with getting rewards out. I have had every intention to get caught up, but It has literally been constant GO mode for us for weeks now with one problem after another (including a major troubleshooting of our main printer that took me days to solve, but I did so with the help of a wonderful Patron!). 

We're laser focused on getting all the preparations for Pennsic completed and the deadline to get Sandra on the road is approaching fast.

Once Sandra is safely away and Pennsic is GO, I will be focusing my full attention on getting out Patreon rewards (and anything else I owe people), as well as finishing up sending out Wuffies Pins campaign rewards. 

I will also be catching up on coloring pages here, and am planning on having new art works-in-progress for your eyeballs. 

There is just a ton to do, but it will all get accomplished and caught up. I am looking forward to turning my attention to some exciting new projects in the works!

Stay safe, stay cool, and stay hydrated all!




I'll be at Pennsic and will definitely swing by the booth to say hi. I did back the pins, not sure if I got a keychain but I'll look :)


Just FYI that I won't be there, so you'll say Hi to Sandra ;) You got a patch and a bunch of pins. I will be shipping it to you next week!


No worries, I knew it was just her :) I meant the booth hi mostly.